Where: Yosuke's house/Dojima Residence
When: The following morning after
thisWho: Souji, Yosuke, and Teddie
What: So some teenage boys and a bear go walking in a city...
Warnings: Bears
To say that Souji had a peaceful night and slept soundly would be an utter lie. You do not just fall asleep when thrown into a city filled with crazy things, that would be stupid. Instead his night was pretty much just him lying on the couch and thinking about what he should be doing. Even if sleeping were reasonable, there was just no way he could even if he tried; his mind was swimming with questions and throughout the whole night none of them were answered.
As soon as the sun rose, so did Souji. He sat on that couch, pondering his next move. ...His next move pretty much meant waiting for Yosuke to wake up, so at least that was going well. The other next move was still debatable. Everyone kept telling him about how his house was here, but he wasn't sure what that exactly meant. Was it the house he was staying in before he got here or his actual home? A part of him wished for the later, but if that were the case his friends would have a hard time helping him search for it.
A sigh.
This was all too much too soon.