Fate Updated

Jun 07, 2011 23:00

Where: The Park
When: After Lynne makes the deal with Sissel
Who: Sissel and Cabanela
What:  Cabanela knows about Sissel's past, possibly. And he wants to find out.
Warnings: Probably yelling.

Sissel was anxiously waiting at the bench by the park.  Calling Cabanela was a tough thing to do, but he toughed it out like a man and contacted him.  The conversation was very curt, and Sissel was glad they left it at that.  But now came the hardest part.  Finding out what Cabanela knew.  From their first encounter, Sissel was positive that Cabanela knew more than he was letting on.

And he was about to get that information out of him no matter what.

"He's late..."

[ghost trick] sissel, [ghost trick] cabanela

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