Love Hack

Jan 19, 2005 08:02

Apologies for being out of the loop on what's going on with folks. Had the hacking crud for the past few days, missed a day of work, and I haven't checked in with LiveJournal very thoroughly from home. Thanks to dom_ino for getting me helpful meds, special tea, a movie, dinner, etc. I am very sorry all I have given in return to this point is some weak ( Read more... )

queerness, faeries, body, reading, san francisco, sickness, friends, clothes, music, vacation

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creepy1966 January 19 2005, 17:12:23 UTC
Damn,Sir..The crawling chaos of potential Death has unfurled It's grip upon Thee.
Heal Thineself,quickly Sir,lest we lsoe all hope and abandon joy.

T. is quite the little craftsgal after all the tamin' I gave her.
I crack the whip,she creates.


ink_ling January 19 2005, 18:08:58 UTC
Man, your arms in the new icon are about to shove the corners out of the way! As my skinny-ass 6th-grade friend used to sarcastically about his own arms: "Look at dese pythons!"

Scoop up some joy; wrangle ye some hope! Death don't EVEN know how to play One-Eyed Jack and his fingers don't know WHAT to do with a bitin'! They rolled the stone away from my cave-grave; I am back! HalleyLou!

T gonna strangle you with a scarf for sayin' half this shit, Compadre! She makes a mean green scarf, let me tell you! And let you tell her, aight?

You survived your own rasslin' match with Death's sidekick, Cruds?


creepy1966 January 19 2005, 18:36:04 UTC
I've got my training all proeprly re-vamped so that I can truly lift until I puke without injury,so I've been growing,growing.
Over ten pounds worth of weight gained in the last few months.

T. ain't gonna do a Gawdamned thing!She knows her place of servitude!I ain't shackin' up with none of them uppitty gals what wanna wear the breetches and be the boss...

I've survived,indeed,as you also shall.
It does come back every now and then in the evening,but it's been all good.

Hahaha..Rolled the stone away from the grave...


ink_ling January 19 2005, 20:13:27 UTC
Man you make weight-trainin' and marriage sound so ... GLAMorous! :)

Man, I'm feeling nearly 100 %. Expect the rest to be gone by the end of the day.

Like my Jesus reference, eh? Eh, Herr Satan?


creepy1966 January 19 2005, 20:33:32 UTC
Ha!Oh yea..The heightof both glamour and decadence,Mang!

You obviously spring back way quicker than I do.My immune system must be totally shot to hell.Stress and self-imposed anxiety,I guess.

Excellent Hay-Suess reference,Sir.I'll save the best spot at my sinister left hand,just for Thee!


ink_ling January 19 2005, 20:42:40 UTC
Uh ... let me remind you: I can truly lift until I puke. THAT'll squash any immune system made by George Burns!

Well, I grew up with a cowlick on the front of my head, age of 11, leading the three-room congregation to "Up From the Grave He Arose". I should muthafuckin' know!

Save the spot! Everybody knows Satan is the most aggressive of the evil. BUT, among the evil, Jesus is worse: he's the most passive-aggressive.


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