
Jan 05, 2005 11:52

dom_ino and I spoke briefly about personal goals for the coming year, mostly in terms of projects that would lead to personal growth. Since I said earlier that I'd like not to bog myself down this winter -- like I did with the poet essays this past fall -- and make this colder season more about whimsical pleasures, I want to be both selective and vague about what I set for myself this coming year.

Here's what I want to be going on with me this year:

* Get a new computer.
* Move "office" space to front room. Make it more private, personal. Organize files for projects.
* Focus on a collection of essays this year.
* Edit "Mere Jonathans" to go out for contests this fall.

COOKING: Begin cooking one meal every other week. Hopefully, that'll help me practice some basic skills and also help me keep the kitchen stocked better.

FLORA/FAUNA: Make a space off the kitchen for the turtles. Get them a bigger tank. Add more environment in the tank. Consider adding small frogs to the area. Get a variety of plants to put there as well.

TATTOO: Get tattoo in January. Godot-like tree with text on left forearm.


* Poets Group once monthly
* "That's Revolting" Queer Discussion Group



naylandblake and I had discussed finding something more hands-on to learn to do. I have considered learning to work with wood or metal. I want to see which one will be cheaper and more practical for apartment living. I know there are courses on metalsmithing taught at the Ornamental Metal Museum here in town. Have always wanted to do that.


That seems like enough to start with! :)

tattoos, art, writing, lists, plants, animals, food, home, meta-journaling

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