Packed Weekend

Dec 13, 2004 12:19

This weekend was oddly busy. And good. Friday night, Joe and I just hung around the house with Puck and Patrick. Talked, had pizza, fell asleep early.

Saturday, I had lunch with Beth, and in the evening, Joe took me out bar-hopping, which we've not been able to afford for nearly a year. At first our plan was to try some bars we hadn't been to yet, but we soon found after seeing the frat sorts at the High Point Pinch and the pearl- and tie-wearing socialites at Ernestine & Hazel's, that WANTING to go to the bar was important.

So, we hied ourselves back to Old Zinnie's, had a couple there, ogled and chitchatted with the very feely-friendly Irish Pat (squat, tattooed, 50s-greaser look), who held Joe's hand for a WHILE after the handshake had passed. He said something about not being drunk but having had only a few jager drinks. We then met Hi and Jim up at the Metro (faggy video bar with the hot bearish bartender) where I basically talked to Hi about what he thought about the spiritual potential of hallucinogenics until it was time to heave on. Next, to the Pumping Station (old leather and Levi bar that has thankfully slackened its supposed past claim to a masculine edge). Ran into Guy, Nathan, and Tommy there but also my old friend Kristen Zoe Provino (amazing dancer, no-bullshit gal) and her girlfriend. Traded numbers. The PS shoveled us all out at closing, and we headed to J-Wags (the scuzzy after-hours bar) where we called Patrick, who joined us. I played trade-a-smell and generally acted a fool with Guy and got exTREMEly tired, watching the bottom tier of drag queens at 4 or 5 in the morning. We took Patrick back to his place, took Joe home to piss, then hit Krystal's for an early morning hog out. Stuck "To Kill a Mockingbird" in the vcr at the foot of the bed and clunked off into deepest sleep just before dawn.

Woke up around 4 yesterday, read some more of the awesome "That's Revolting". Lolligagged around and then went to a party I had forgotten about at Rue's house. Zee was christening a new fireplace and having a dinner with drinks. The party was amazing! Ate vegan food, had homemade chai and some mildly alcoholic chocolate drink, some odd homemade catnip cigarettes! Crazy Cindy was there, talking about how she had to give up her new puppy Possum and about how she hasn't gotten her miniature horses yet. I talked to a woman named Zelda who had lived for a decade in Guatemala and who wanted to sell me a pair of Guatemalan overalls for cheap and who was also a friend of one of the Cockettes. There was Dorothy, an organizer for the Tampa GLBT film festival, who was very interested in the local Faeries, and there was Patrick, who told a story about a husband who hung himself, measured from the ceiling just right so that his cold foot would kick his wife in the head as she returned in the house from getting groceries. Oh! And there was the hoody-wearing, strawberry-blond-bearded, hairy and tatooed forearmed punkish guy that neither Joe or I talked to but saw coming onto the porch -- jaws dropped -- at the same time. Great mix of people. After the party, we relaxed on Jim and Hi's incredible waterbed and watched "Disinformation" til we nearly all fell asleep. (Joe was still alert.)

And I started the week with taking Joe out to lunch for sushi.

All in all, things are lively and good!

Tonight? Clean the kitchen a bit and chill ... .

film, faeries, reading, joe, friends, going out

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