
Dec 01, 2004 10:14

First off, I am very happy to have a wonderful outing planned for my day off this Friday. I am going to test my GrannyHoopdie and push her across the Missus Ipp' to spend the day with creepy1966 . I hate that I won't be able -- because of work -- to make it Thursday night to hear his band play at Vino's, but I am poppin'-'cited to just hang out, maybe sample Little Rock cuisine for lunch, have tea and cigarettes and jaw.


Thanks to thornyc , I went and bought a copy of "That's Revolting: Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation" :

I read four or five chapters last night, and it is really putting me in a better, more radical, more centered spot. I have proposed a group discussion with the local Faeries, reading sections of the book at a time. We'll see if any folks have the time to pursue that.

It also puts me back in the zone of theorizin', and I look forward to doing some writing on some topics I have been putting off for a while: Masculinity and Attraction; Sex Positivity and Sexual Consumerism; Writing in Community; the Spiritual and Sexual Citizen; Punk, the Broader Aesthetic; and Anachronism Within Dystopia (the last provoked by a RICH and amazing conversation some time ago between naylandblake and badfaggot ) Upshot: Excited about turning to writing essays again.


By the way, I am -- surprising, considering winter is settlin' in, pullin' the icy shawl tighter -- more jazzed, more curious, more keen-bean'd than I've been in some time. Thanks to the hands that help push me there!

Huzzah, Buzzar'!

daytripping, queerness, reading, friends, meta-journaling

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