Rolling Stone

Nov 16, 2004 14:28

In terms of poetry, it seems like things are rolling.

I finished and sent off the Cole Swensen entry for the Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poetry. I have one essay to go: Gustaf Sobin. And, even though I only have one book of his in possessin currently, I read an interview with him this morning, and felt so connected to his way of thinking about poetry: How you start with something tangible, a touch-able locale, and then use words to elaborate the potential to move from that place, to grow it, to nudge its inclination to become something else. To Sobin's mind, everything harbors its own potential for change -- like a whispered language -- something nearly palpable -- within, under, itself always. We carry that ghostly potential with us, like the air around us, and all that is required is to stir it up with imagination, with words.

I was so excited that I wrote a poem -- almost fully made -- when I got out of the shower this morning, over looking in the mirror and shaving my head, my neck, with hot water, using clippers to clip down the beard on my cheeks. The sink and mirror were the tangible locale; the poem flew from there.

I have developed my idea for my next poetry collection, "Sharp Folk". I am hoping to make it primarily prose poems dissolving occasionally into "verse". I can't wait to start it and will do so after my essays are complete.

I have my Poets' Cafe tonight. Second meeting. We'll be reading our own work aloud and then Beth will be speaking to us about journal publishing and poetry contests.

Speaking of Beth, she was just published at ! If you want to read her poem (it's worth it!), go to the archives and choose the poem for Oct. 20th. I am jumping-rabbit happy for her.

(Sorry: VERY rushed entry ... lies prostrate ... will do better next time ... POPS UP and DARTS ... WOOHOO!)

essays, poetry, beth, library, writing

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