Last night after Circle at the Sanctuary, I found something in my mailbox there. It was a bill from JC Penney's (where I used to work part-time) from 1994. There was information about Baby Bootie Charms (?!) in it. There was a check made out to them from me (also dated 1994), signed by me and otherwise filled out by my ex-girlfriend, Beth. The
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And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.
You hear me good on this.
Hey. Where are you from in Ireland? Rural or urban place? Coastal or inland? Just curious.
You would love the language and literacy of the people; that which I miss most living in binary California. I should take you there sometime.
Your posting today is magnificent
That sounds incredible. I'd definitely go! The landscape I've seen, of Ireland, is absolutely eye-pitch-perfect. What's more: I like the rain.
I'm going to go look the place up on the map.
When did you leave Ireland?
Wow! You've fuckin' kicked my wanderlust into overdrive. (I need to get a new subscription to "National Geographic", one of my most enjoyable passtimes being poring over maps, looking at cultural and landscape photography, reading good travel literature.)
Ireland, eh? (Sigh.) I would only worry that appears to never really get warm. (I like sweat too much to completely forego 90-degree weather.) Still, a longish stint there would charge the mind and skin.
Does the morality hamper the queer (of whatever stripe)much there?
What are the odds of a broke American being able to emigrate there and find bearable work? (Maybe I should be a student again ... .)
And damnit!: I grinned out loud reading about the "snug". I want a stint with a pint in that thing ... .
"Gay scene" is, by definition, lacking in my book. Is there queer community in Dublin?
Anywhere with a queer Joyce-scholar senator is hardly shy of heaven to me ... .
ANd I'll bring you to the snug at Kavanagh's. I found this review online:
Kavanagh's aka The Gravedigger's Inn (secret location on Dublin's North Side): It was a gloomy night when an expedition consisting of your's truly finally ventured out to find that last bastion of traditional establishments in the greater Dublin borough. After a couple of dead-ends it was finally discovered on the North Side of our Fair City. Without going into the finer details / giving away too much (:-) this is the place to visit if you want to check out a REAL traditional Irish pub in Dublin. Never mind how many tourist guides recommend all these places in Temple Bar(s) (which are pretty much a theme park built for our British friends anyway but don't tell them :-), they cannot touch the real stuff. You'll never meet tourists in the place, never mind stag and hen parties from across the water. It cannot get more authentic: Joe Average enjoying a quiet pint in a ( ... )
You been there?
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