The Sound of a Breaking Pattern

Nov 01, 2004 18:12

The weekend went well.

The symphony outing was good. The John Adams piece we heard -- "Violin Concerto" -- was amazing: A show-off violin in front of the orchestra making a sea of cycling sounds, then a very slow movement full of atmospheric sounds, and the final movement flirting chaos and melody before rushing to a strange end backed by increasing percussion. What was just the greatest was that, just after the hush of finishing playing, an elderly gentleman a few rows in front of us, shouted, "BOO! BOO! BOO! THAT WAS SHIT!" And LOUD. So wonderful to know that art -- especially experimental art -- can still offend folks.

Then off home to change for the first party. I wasn't going to dress up but opted at the last second for a half-assed costume: Put on my "ugly fuckling" cut-off-sleeve thermal underwear top, my blue overalls, an old-codger hat, fake glasses, and carried a wooden cane. We stopped off at Laura's first and played Pictionary and chowed, drank. Laughed our asses off.

Then to the Sanctuary. Fire was going when we got there, just short of midnight. The punch was POtent, and I couldn't quit drinking it. We had a circle around the fire, and then things just got blurry. Floated from fire to inside where Hi was DJing. Talked a LOT to Nandra that night and really enjoyed it, felt a pretty strong connection to her. Joe passed out pretty late, and I got him to a couch. He didn't want to move, so I went on home -- eventually fell asleep on the air mattress listening to rain after the sun had come up -- about 7 a.m.

Joe and I got Cracker Barrel early Sunday evening, watched a few movies, and I fell dead asleep at 10. Got up this morning at 7, giving me a whole 6 hours of morning before I had to be at work. I played Literati on-line, paid some bills, went and got groceries, and went to a counselling session (my last) for a while. It was inCREDible. The quiet gray in the house, the fully restedness, the lack of rush, the accomplishings. I just might switch to being a morning person ... .


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