Warming, Drying

Oct 13, 2004 12:05

Yesterday was odd. Felt deeply depressed for unclear reasons. The kind where your whole body feels like crying -- like it already is -- so you go ahead and find some corner of your day to satisfy it. And then it comes back like an hour or so later. Ack! Couldn't shake it all day ... .

Thankfully, though, when I went to pick up Joe, he was in a pretty bright mood. We went to the grocery store, got a can of beef stew and a can of biscuits, and had that for dinner. We smoked after and I played a few games on the computer. Then I read while he putzed on the computer. We had roll-the-sheets unexpected good sex, washed off, and watched a horrible (but funny) horror movie ("The Howling" John Sayles, what were you thinking?), chowed on smoothies and rocky road ice cream, added blankets to the bed, spooned up -- and I fell into the deepest sleep I've had in a long time, with the windows open, and the cold creeping in and onto our heads.

The warm solidness of home is exactly what I needed yesterday to make that inner, heavy coldness recede ... .

film, depression, food, love, joe, sex, home

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