A Perfect Balancer

Mar 29, 2004 20:14

I am extremely happy that Sundays are becoming good, solid relaxation days for me and Joe. Yesterday set me back in equilibrium:

Slept late (about 1 pm). Dropped off the laptop Joe was working on and then headed up to Shelby Forest. By my estimate, I'd say we hiked about 7 miles. Glad to see I was in better clambering shape than I had thought after the exertionless winter. The trail was the best I had been on up there: steep and flat terrain, swamp, lots of different plants, surprising open fields. I stepped over a fallen tree in the path, and Joe called me back. There was a poisonous snake of some kind grooved into the bark of the fallen tree. I had stepped right over its resting body. We watched it slowly creep off. I put my jaw back in place and we headed on. The smells coming down the paths on the breeze nearly had me taken up in a sensory overload.

We got back to town body-tired.

We went and bought some box fans at Target and then went to have a really nice dinner at the E-house. Turkey that Nandra had made, greenbean casserole, mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, corn on the cob. It was very downhome -- but made by a house of loony queers and their hands.

Joe and I then rented "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" and "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?". Two black and white movies with mid-century psychological torque that could break a skull. Of course with enjoyable melodrama. While we watched "WAOVW?" we started to feel a little drunk from just watching them get sloshed, so we had to have a little Morgan's and coke, then fry some eggs, open the doors to let in the cool sound of rain, and then finally nod off to a broad-browed peaceful sleep knotted up under the open window.

Bring on the week ... .

daytripping, film, faeries, food, nature, joe

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