(no subject)

Oct 31, 2003 14:29

Haven't even looked at LJ in a few days. Had a few days off work and had to spend most of it attending to car and court issues, which ended up being like a breezier Kafka-esque experience, culminating in being told I had not had my car registered for 3.5 years (a computer bumble) and getting pulled over AGAIN just as I was leaving court. Oh well ... onward heretical soldiers ... .

There is a shitload of stuff I need to nail down here in the journal. I need to take it in chunks, though. Maybe weasel a bit in here and there before it gets too cold.

Been thinking more about the poetry manuscript, though. Idea came to me as I was falling asleep last night, that I really want to overlay a medieval aesthetic over this. Forget the complete verisimilitude and go for a surreality mixed with a lower-class realism.

Looking at books on Bosch today. The many and the small. The working class. The inescapability of the body. The specifically -- rather than classically -- grotesque. Satire against those who stand on ceremony. The triptych.

I am thinking also of Chaucer, parts of "The Name of the Rose", and -- for a more contemporary adaptation of the bestial grotesque -- Elizabeth Bishop's "The Man-Moth". Thinking of "City of Lost Children" and "Wise Blood".

There will be something of the apocalypse in this. Something of a hollowed-out prophecy, sacred purpose and vocation without any sense of deity. There will be monsters and there will be under-the-radar machinery.

I started writing last night and wormed my way closer. But it's not quite there. Too much Ginsberg, too much richness. Need a frame work, a controlling trajectory. Will get there, I think, with this medieval angle.

I am looking at books on Bosch today.

poetry, writing, medieval period

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