
May 11, 2006 09:14

These are the kinds of things that make Jason ridiculously happy to be alive:

So, I'm driving to work this morning, and it's absolutely beautiful: it's in the 60s and sunny; I have the radio on and the windows down, of course. Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again" comes on the radio and I'm trying to juggle my laughing and my rockin' out at the same time. I decide I'm 10 minutes early for work and it's so damn beautiful out, I'm going to drive a few extra blocks or so and finish up the song before getting to work.

As I pull into a shopping center to cut between the stores -- avoiding pesky traffic lights -- I see a homeless man coming towards my car ... with a baby carriage.

I can't help it, I strain out the car window, looking to see how his infant is faring, only to find he has a baseball bat in the carriage, yes, actually swaddled in a pink blanket. The tail ends of Whitesnake were still blasting out of my car like a soundtrack.

I think this would likely make my all-time favorite family portrait had I had a camera on me and didn't need, after all, to get on to work.

daytripping, anecdotes, music

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