(no subject)

Apr 19, 2003 11:28

Had a wonderful day yesterday. Hung over, but good. Went to Sardis Lake with Joe and Chris: wonderful drive down, tried to swim (too cold still), then hiked a short nature trail. Stopped by Amvets on the way back and bought skirts for our Beltaine trip. Came back, wore skirts around the house -- good summer-y, flat kind of tired -- ordered pizza, watched Moulin Rouge.

Joe, Louis, Guy, and Nathan left for Short Mountain this morning. They're going to set up our tents and have them ready for us when we get there. Goddamn! Just one more week to go! I can't say how much I need this trip, this time off. I have been feeling like a time bomb lately at work. Course Joe and Puck left their jobs. Patrik is having such trouble with his boss, and keeps pointing out how he'd get so much better treatment almost anywhere else. Beth has been chafing, saying that if she has another "yesterday" -- day after day made the same, antiseptic, with no sign of change -- she'll just explode.

Me too! But for now, I've just got to make it to Beltaine!

Tonight: Beth's birthday get-together. Meeting at Cafe Ole (new favorite place?) for drinks and dinner. Think Mary, Stephanie, maybe Chip will be coming. Possibly Brian and Don, maybe Bryan Helton. But haven't heard back from Brian yet. We'll see. Just want to relax and talk; I think that's all Beth is in the mood for: Be nice just to see these few people who so rarely get together anymore.

Well, I better pretend to work ... Blahh!

daytripping, faeries, beth, beltaine

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