Ladies & Doubloons

Oct 31, 2005 10:44

I hate thinking about costumes. It stresses me out. I worked Saturday and Beth had to take me to work. She asked me what I was wearing to the party that night and I shrugged and said I would make something up in the two hours between getting off work and heading out.

She said, "That just won't work. Come to my house an hour early."

I did. She directed and threw all sorts of shit on me. In five minutes, I was a pirate. One with minute details thrown in here and there. I looked in the mirror and went, "Hm!"

Let's just say that it is dang fun playing Texas Hold 'Em in a smokey room with a clutch of very competitive queer women. We had to use my doubloons to supplement the chip cache. Arrrrr! Bluffing while squinting through your cigarette smoke, measuring the exaggerated and the under-played expressions on the faces above your up-turned beer bottle, being annoyingly loud when the chips are swept -- whether the chips are yours or someone else's.

I lost but still went out with both legs.

friends, holidays, going out

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