'Tis the season for writing fic! This is my wishlist for my Yuletide author, but know that I am generally pretty easy-going, and happy with whatever makes YOU happy.
My write-ups in the actual Yuletide thingie are pretty clear and specific, but I am reposting them all here, so you can see what I like in the matched fandom, and in other fandoms.
Here is what I like, in a general sense:
- Happy endings (both kinds)
- hurt/comfort (more comfort than hurt, but I'm not squeamish!)
- humor
- Pining and Miscommunication
- people who genuinely LIKE and RESPECT each other
- Smart people, especially ladies
- AUs, from historical to fantasy! (though please keep everyone the gender they currently are)
- Crossovers (if you happen to go through this LJ or
my AO3 and see fandoms I write in that you want to fold in? Go for it!
- cursing. I mean, dirty talk, but also just... cursing. Or, people talking like real people talk.
- Drunk declarations
- COMPETENCY KINK (ugh, people who are good at their jobs get me so hot)
- I am very-pro threesomes and moresomes, if that is your thing as well
- for Gen stuff, see "people who like each other" and add "characters interacting in ways that make sense" (I mean, this is a duh? But what I really mean is, I love a nice character study, or a great group scene!!)
Hardcore NOs are few:
- no cheating
- no second person narratives, though I can be swayed by awesome writing!
- Seriously, I hate cheating.
Covert Affairs - Jai and Auggie
I love all the characters on this show, but somehow I love Jai and Auggie MOST OF ALL - kickass men who aren't cookie cutters, dudes with abs and brains and emotional layers, OH MY! I'm happy with any rating you want to give me, so long as Jai and Auggie are in the thick of things - a mission gone wrong, perhaps? Gen would be fine! But I would really love some slash up in this pairing. Some "we're about to die" sex? Some one-sided "Jai loves Auggie's voice in his ear" jerk-off fantasies? Whatever floats your boat!
Greek - Casey, Cappie, Rusty, Katherine
Man I miss this show. The characters above are some of my favorites, but there was no Beaver on the list, which made me sad. I would not mind some Beaver! Give me some future fic, or some AU action, or a missing hazing scene where Rusty learns that Cappie's methods are far superior to Evan's. Throw me some gen or het or gsf or slash - Casey/Katherine is one of my go-to femmeslash pairings. Toss other characters in at will, dear author! But please, please, make sure I have some Cappie in there. I miss his FACE.
Secret Garden - Mary, Colin, Dickon, Martha
I just love the dreaminess of Burnett's writing, and the joy of these four characters. If you get this, I assume you love this book as much as I do, and I would love some great future!fic, some post-WWI hurt/comfort fic, maybe? Or a visit to the garden with their own children in tow? Colin, Dickon and Mary are a threesome, but you don't have to write them as sexual. Unless you want to! I just saw this on the list and my heart lept, so anything you write, I am sure I will love.
Real Genius - Chris, Mitch
Ugh, movie of my heaaaaart. if this movie had come out in 2011, there would be a massive Mitch/Chris fandom, and I WANT THAT. Please, give me some slashy goodness! Some first kisses! Some makeouts in the closet/Lazlo's lair! Hell, they know enough chemists - throw some sex pollen at them! Mostly I want Mitch to be adorable and Chris to be hilarious and them to make hearteyes at each other. Rating doesn't even matter, though I wouldn't say no to some porn...
Thank you so much, Yuletide writer. I hope this gave you... something to work with? I mean, I worry I say "I LIKE ALL THE THINGS!" and then it's frustrating, but I really do like all the things, so don't worry too much! To paraphrase Dan Rydell, "most of all, make it something YOU like."