More small town AU (Chris/Darren (NC-17)

Sep 03, 2007 22:51

A few months back, on the drive back from our LAST MCR show in Hartford, schuyler, morethanimagine and I came up with an AU idea that had Spencer and Ryan stopping in a small town (possibly in Iowa? Ohio?) where Patrick and Ray worked at the post office, Brendon was king of his high school, and Pete... was basically Pete, only more bored.

It devolved quickly into an unexpected romance between geeky-yet-totally-hot high school junior Darren Wilson and motorcycle-driving bartender Chris Gaylor.

The original story can be found here.

Sky and I just couldn't leave those two alone, especially after we did a fade-to-black on the last one, so. Prom! College! More backroom shenanigans from Chris and Darren!

Chris/Darren // ~5300 words // NC-17

EL: or do you want to talk about Darren's senior prom, and how he wants to go with Chris, but Chris thinks this is a bad idea.
Sky: He thinks Darren should ask Greta.
EL: who knows about them? about Darren and Chris?
Sky: Greta, I think. Maybe Nick and Ty.
EL: Yeah. They don't want to freak out Darren's family and gossip in this town is like currency
Sky: This is one thing Nick and Ty can keep quiet about.

Greta actually asks Darren, because she knows he won't go otherwise, but Darren thinks she should go with Chris, or maybe Joe.

They all pile into a car and go to the big town to look for dresses and tuxedos. Darren's just starting to get scruffy, and it works with the tux in a big way.

Chris is still adamant that he's not going-- he didn't go to his OWN prom, so no-- but Darren and Greta badger him into trying one on in the store. He looks... Greta says "dashing", Darren says "Oh, my god"

"Okay, no," Chris says. "Absolutely no."

But Darren stands behind him and pretends to adjust his cummerbund, but really just slides his hand over Chris's side. "You look so hot, seriously," Darren says low, so the salesperson won't hear.

In the end, Darren goes with Greta (pouting) and Chris lets them have their afterparty in the bar. When they show up, Darren still looking beyond fantastic, Chris is wearing his tux.

"For the kids," Chris stammers when Gabe and Travis raise their eyebrows at him. "Fuck you, it’s the prom. Just tie my damn tie."

Darren looks like a fucking model when he comes in, turning over his shoulder to talk to Greta. Chris feels nervous for a moment, unworthy, then Darren turns to look at him, drops his mouth open in appreciation, then trips and falls in the middle of the bar, all limbs. Darren is still laughing as Chris comes around the side of the bar to make sure he's okay. "Fine, god," he says, blushing and Chris lets his hand linger on Darren's arm.

"You sure? I think we have a first aid kit in the back storage room," Chris says intently and Darren almost doesn't get the hint. But when he looks up at Chris, and smiles, Greta starts laughing. "Come on," Chris says. "Let's get you patched up."

The rest of the class isn't paying much attention. There is a stack of hot pizzas on the bar and bottles of Coke and Sprite, and Travis and Ty and Nick and half the town under 30 have shown up for the party. Chris tugs Darren into the back room, Darren tangling their fingers together.

"You look really good," Darren says as Chris shoves him against a stack of Red Stripe cases, and how weird is it that he's 17 and in his first relationship and their special place is the back room of a bar? Chris's hands are already worming their way under his jacket and Darren moans when Chris nips at his jaw. "You look amazing," Chris murmurs and Darren wonders if Chris would get fired if they just stayed back here for the whole party.
"Did you have a good time?" Chris asks, and Darren cannot think enough to form words. Chris laughs and sucks at the corner of his jaw.

Darren tugs his tie open and undoes the top button of his dress shirt and Chris takes the hint, nosing aside the collar and nipping at the hollow of Darren's neck. "Oh, fuck," Darren says, breathless already, and Chris has to stop himself ripping the shirt open. Chris knows they can't stay in here very long. And that they really should not mess up the rented tuxedos, but it looks like he has to be the entire voice of reason here, because Darren is just leaning back and panting, looking gorgeous. Chris licks Darren's collarbone once more, and then drops to his knees.

"Ooohhh, shit," Darren leans back against the shelves and digs his fingers into Chris's shoulder. His whole class is about twenty feet away and Chris is tugging open his pants and grinning up at him. He's so hard he's dizzy.

"You missed me, huh?" Chris says slyly and squeezes him once through the cheap fabric.

Darren nods fast. "It was boring without you." Chris listens while he sucks gently at the end of Darren's cock. There is a bang and a wall of laughter on the other side of the door and Darren holds his breath. Chris doesn't stop, just speeds up a fraction, fingers pushing inside his pants and gently stroking his balls. Darren's knees are like jello and he holds onto the shelf behind him for dear life.

Chris knows just what he's doing. He can get Darren off in record time. And when he pushes in all the way and swallows, his fingers rubbing across Darren's perineum, Darren squeezes his eyes shut tight and whimpers as he comes. Chris swallows like a pro, and Darren's suit is spotless as Chris buttons him back into it. He stands up and Darren blinks at him, dazed.

"You okay?" Chris asks, grinning, and Darren shakes his head and pulls him forward, kissing him hard.

"Should've gone with you," Darren mumbles into Chris's mouth and Chris moans when Darren's thigh presses between his legs.

Chris swears and his hips push down, looking for more friction. They kiss for another minute, frantic and needy, until Darren pulls away to whisper, "Let me return the favor?" Chris looks at the door, thinking they've already been in here too long, but Darren is already tugging his pants open.

"Dar, wait, fuck," he moans and Darren slows down but he doesn't stop.

"You can't hide behind the bar all night," Darren grins. Chris makes the little annoyed face that he makes when he knows Darren's right, but won't admit it, and Darren pushes his hand in Chris' shorts to tug hard. Chris's eyes roll back and Darren giggles, pressing him against the inside of the door.

Chris tightens his hand around the back of Darren's neck and pulls him in for a kiss as Darren strokes him inside his tuxedo pants. Darren has amazing hands and Chris whimpers a little when Darren palms the head of his cock. "I could just get you messy," Darren whispers, and Chris groans, but lets Darren get on his knees.

Darren's blowjobs are messy anyway, enthusiastic and wet (listening to Darren blow him is almost as hot as watching, Chris has learned), and Chris is can feel the spark in his spine as Darren slides his lips over his cock. He seems like he's having fun, like he's doing it because he wants to instead of because he has to. Chris always wants to come a minute after Darren starts, when he inevitably looks up at Chris from under his bangs to make sure he's doing okay. He's gotten pretty good at staving off his orgasms, but this time speed is good, so when Darren looks up, Chris runs his thumb over Darren's cheek and says "Not gonna take long, baby."

Darren looks incredibly pleased.

Darren looks back at his work and focuses and when Chris warns him, he just slides all the way to the tip to catch every drop. Chris looks up at the ceiling. He has no idea how he's going to be able to pour when he can't think.

His body's still humming when Darren stands up, catching his hip clumsily on a pile of Sam Adams boxes.

"Ow," Darren says, laughing and Chris shakes his head. Darren's rubbing his hip and his mouth is still wet and red, tuxedo tie hanging open against his chest.

"I fucking love you," Chris says before he can think about it. Darren's blinding smile is the thing that makes Chris replay the last thirty seconds in his head. Chris opens his mouth to say something, to lie, but Darren kisses him hard, pinning him against the door.

Chris's fingers slide into Darren's hair, hold him there as Darren's tongue slips against his. "You can't take it back," Darren pants as they finally break apart, and damn, when did the kid get to know him that well? "Love you too," Darren breathes into Chris's ear and Chris winds his arms around Darren's neck and holds him tight. Darren nuzzles against Chris' neck (hoping he doesn't do something awful and embarrassing like cry) and when Chris finally lets go, he grabs one more kiss and a band-aid from the first aid kit.

Darren blinks at him as Chris winds the band-aid around the top of his wrist. "We have to look like we were doing something back here besides fucking," Chris smiles and Darren shakes his head.

"Fifteen minutes for a band-aid?" he scoffs, and grabs a bottle of Sam Adams from the offending box. "At least make me look cool, Gaylor," he says and Chris grins and pops the top off easily, drinking half the bottle and handing it back to Darren.

Darren returns to the party with his shirt still unbuttoned, a beer in his hand, and a certain liquid roll of his hips that makes the girls look his way. Finally. Chris takes a few seconds to take a deep breath before following. Nick catches his eye from across the bar and shakes his head, laughing. Chris flips him off, but he's pretty sure the stupid grin on his face isn't going anywhere.


By the time the crowd is down to Greta (asleep in a booth) and Travis, helping Chris clean up, Darren is sitting on the bar, kind of drunk, but happy.

"Hey," Darren puts a foot out as Chris walks past and tugs him closer until Chris is standing between his thighs.

"Hey," Chris smiles and Travis studiously looks away, bagging trash and heading toward the door.

"Hey, Gretsky," he says, "you need a ride?" Darren doesn't let Chris move as Travis gets Greta up and out of the bar with a smile and a wave.

"Look at that, all by ourselves," Darren smiles and Chris licks his lips.

"Well, yeah, but all alone in a bar on Main Street, which seems silly, when I've got an apartment half a mile away." He nuzzles against Darren's stubble.

"Ye-ah," Darren says, a little slurred, and slides his hand over the back of Chris's neck. He whispers in Chris's ear. "But don't tell me you haven't thought about fucking me right here, over the bar."

Chris trembles a little. He remembers when Darren was innocent and sweet and virginal. He can't tell which Darren he likes better, but this Darren is licking the shell of his ear and murmuring about how badly he wants Chris to fuck him. "Fuck, Dar," Chris pulls Darren forward on the bar, his hands tucked around Darren's lower back.

"Oh!" Darren says, breathless and Chris knows he's hard, his pupils dilated.

"Stand up and turn around," he growls and Darren blinks at him.

"God, you're hot," he says, surprised, and Chris can't stop his laugh.

Chris isn't going to waste time on unnecessary things. He unfastens Darren's pants and pushes his shorts down to his thighs. Darren fishes in his pocket and comes back with a packet of lube and a condom. "Fucking Boy Scout," Chris shakes his head, and Darren frowns.

"I thought--"

"You're brilliant," Chris cuts him off with a kiss, his fingers skating up Darren's inner thigh.

"Mmmhmm," Darren hums against Chris's lower lip.

"Turn around," Chris murmurs and twists Darren in his arms until he's leaning on the front of the bar.

Darren spreads his legs as wide as he can and Chris starts with two fingers. Sure, Darren was a virgin a year ago, but Chris has been fucking him twice a week for six months. Two fingers just makes him moan and open up. Chris opens his pants with one hand, cursing a little at the unfamiliar clasp. He slides his fingers in deep, adding a third and smiling when Darren shakes and rests his forehead on the cool wood of the bar. "God, you were made for this," he says quietly and Darren just presses back hard against his hand.

When the blunt head of Chris' cock touches Darren's opening, Darren exhales slowly and pushes back. Chris's hands are warm and steady on his hips, guiding and not pushing too fast, too much. Darren knows exactly when Chris is buried inside him, the hitched breath Chris lets out against his neck making him tighten a fraction around Chris's cock. Chris feels sappy for just a moment, Darren pressed close against him, then Darren clenches and he sees stars. For that, Darren's getting fucked hard.

Darren's fingers close around the edge of the bar and Chris folds his hand over Darren's shoulder, sliding out slowly and snapping his hips back inside fast. "Chris, fuck," Darren inhales sharply.

Chris knows exactly where Darren's boundaries are, and he knows that Darren can take this. He leans in, breathing over the back of Darren's neck, and starts fucking him hard. It's dirty, and Chris secretly loves it. They're sweating through their fancy rented tuxes, and the only sounds in the room are the slap of skin on skin and Darren's occasional low moan. Chris reaches around to touch Darren's cock and he sobs, sagging bonelessly against the bar. He's fucking his underage boyfriend in the seedy bar where he works. He rakes his teeth over the crook of Darren's neck. "This is so good," he murmurs, stroking harder.

"Chris, god, I can't," Darren stutters, and Chris can feel the tremor in his thighs. Darren moans and rests his head on one arm, snaking the other between himself and the bar to wrap his hand around Chris's. Chris growls and pushes in harder, at just the right angle, and Darren tips his head back and comes with a loud cry, spilling into their hands. Darren whimpers and Chris pauses through his aftershocks until Darren sighs and presses back, code for 'keep going'.

Chris bites his lip and starts a hard, deep rhythm, ignoring the burn in his legs and focusing on the tingle in his spine. He watches the way Darren pulls himself together, braces himself on the bar, and pushes back to meet Chris' thrusts. "You're eager," Chris says.

Darren looks over his shoulder at Chris. "I want to feel you come inside me."

Chris's hips jerk and Darren grins. "You keep talking like that, and it won't take long," Chris grits out and Darren grins wider.

"Like what? Like saying I spent half of last year jerking off to the idea of you bending me over this bar and fucking me hard, just like this?"

"Fuck," Chris says, a low moan, and Darren laughs.

Chris can feel his laugh all the way down. "You look hot when you're behind the bar," Darren says. "I think about blowing you while you're working, just hiding behind the bar some night and sucking you off while you pour," he says, eyes gleaming, and Chris can see he's enjoying this, enjoying the way Chris's fingers are tightening on his hips, fucking him hard enough to shift him up a few inches on the bar.

"I'd love that," Chris says, barely able to form sentences. Darren pushes back against him and clenches on Chris' outstroke and he comes, swearing and sweating. Chris folds heavily over Darren and just concentrates on staying conscious and upright for a few moments while his heart slows back down.

"You okay?" Darren finally says, his voice a little muffled, and Chris shoves himself upright with one arm and pulls out slowly.

He collapses back onto a barstool and stares at the ceiling. "I think I'm dead."

Darren looks at him with a fond, but tired smile. "You are not." He wipes himself down with a handful of cocktail napkins and then zips his pants and rebuttons his shirt. "Come on. We should go back to your place now."

Chris groans. He's going to kill them both on the bike at this point, and says so.

"Drive slow," Darren rolls his eyes and hauls Chris to his feet, sliding off the condom and wrapping it in a napkin before tossing it. "Come on, tough guy," he grins and tucks Chris back into his clothes. Chris wrinkles his nose. Being taken care of by Darren is nice, but he won't admit it. He turns out the lights while Darren grabs Chris' backpack.


Sky: Does Darren go off to college?
EL: You don't think Chris would make him? He goes to the ag and tech, maybe!
Sky: Oh, Chris would make him. When they go back to Chris', after the prom, Darren shyly tells him that they've offered him a full scholarship. But he doesn't want to leave the farm behind, and he doesn't want to leave Chris.

Chris would be pissed if Darren used him to turn down a full ride to school. His boyfriend is not going to end up with nothing but a high school diploma. Chris thought it wouldn't matter, but it did, a few times, and he's going to MAKE Darren go.

He turns up at the house when Darren is at school one day. Darren's mom made pie and he's really nice to the three youngest who are just sort of running around the kitchen. Darren's dad is a man of few words, but he listens. Chris came to beg them to make Darren go to school.

They've figured out Darren’s relationship with Chris, but they're trying to let Darren make his own decisions. His mom catches Chris on the porch afterwards and thank Chris for being such a good ... friend to Darren.

Chris doesn't tell Darren he went, but he does smile when Darren says morosely that his dad said he'd like Darren to go to school. Even if they aren't making him, Darren's the kind of kid who doesn't want to let his dad down.


Darren is not looking forward to leaving. He spends all of August planning the talk they're going to have. In the end, they're just sitting on Chris' couch one morning when Darren says, "You know, you don't have to ... we don't have to keep doing this. You can see other people, if you want."

Darren isn't going far-- school is three hours away, but he feels like it may as well be a day. He won't have a car, and he can't ask Chris to come see him on his bike every weekend. The gas alone would be all his tips.

Chris says he's not seeing anyone else and that they're going to see each other twice a month, and that's final.


Chris worries about Darren meeting a boy at school, someone his own age who knows about math and stuff, but in true Chris fashion he decides the best way to keep his man is to make sure there is no way in hell Darren will be thinking about anyone else when they are together. If sex can't save relationships, Chris worries that he's fucked

He’s there every time he’s got a few days off in a row, showing up with his helmet and a backpack.

But then finals rolls around. Darren does nothing but study and when Chris goes out there, he feels useless. In the way. There's another guy in Darren's suite who's in his econ class and they study together, hunched over the book.

"I'm sorry," Darren says, sheepish, and Chris shrugs.

"No, you study. I'll just take a ride, I guess," and he grabs his helmet and heads out. He makes it about five miles before pulling off the road and kicking the hell out of his bike, and a road sign, and an old tire that happened to be in the way.

He goes back to the dorm, says goodbye, and goes home. When Darren comes back at the end of the term, Chris doesn't think he'll come by.


Darren isn't sure he wants to. He feels like they broke up and no one gave him the memo. He tried calling Chris a few times, when he had the time between exams, but Chris never called him back. He manages to make it two days at home without breaking down and calling again, like an idiot, but then his mom sends him to the post office and he has to pass the bar.

It's early, and Chris is just washing glasses, but the door to the back room is open and Darren remembers how that was their spot.

Chris looks up a second after Darren comes inside. Darren's in jeans an his old blue track jacket and if he'd had a bookbag, Chris would almost have thought he was have a flashback to Darren's junior year.

Darren goes up and sits at the bar. "Can I help you?" Chris asks. He's trying to sound angry, but it comes out as defeated.

Darren exhales. "Can you just dump me to my face? Then I can stop wondering."

Chris's jaw snaps shut. "That's not." He sighs and leans on his hands on the bar. "You shouldn't be dating me. You should be dating some cute college boy who can help you with your homework. I'm sorry I didn't see that before."

Darren blinks at him, aghast (he didn't really think Chris was breaking up with him), and Chris heads back to the stockroom. "No!" Darren says, getting off his stool and running after Chris. "NO!”

Darren has him by the wrist and Chris only tries to pull away halfheartedly. It's been weeks since Darren's touched him and he wants more, wants to close the door and live in this room. Darren and beer, he thinks. That's all I need. But he looks up at Darren's face and thinks Darren needs so much more.

"You should get back home," Chris says. Usually, at this point in a breakup, he starts being an asshole to hasten the process along, but he can't do that to Darren. Darren shakes his head, then steps closer, pushing Chris against the door as he kisses him hard.

"You don't get to do this," he says harshly between kisses. "You don't get to decide what I need, okay?" Chris's hand is clamped around Darren's elbow and Darren is shoving his hands up under Chris's t-shirt. "You're mine. We're in love. Unless you don't care about me anymore, and then I guess I'll go home." His voice sounds so unhappy at the end of that sentence, and Chris's heart breaks.

"Fuck, Darren," Chris pulls Darren close with a hand at the back of his neck and kisses him slow and deep. Darren melts into him, arms wrapping around his waist. "I don't want you to regret this later," Chris whispers as they pull apart, panting.

"Do you love me?" Darren asks, and Chris nods. He's not going to cry in the storage room, but man, his eyes sting. "Then I'm never going to regret you."

He kind of wants to punch Darren for that. It is way too early in the day to be this sappy. But instead he kisses Darren again. "Come by tonight?" he asks, and Darren nods and kisses him before heading home.

Chris barely gets through work. Its been weeks since he's slept with Darren, and he had already almost convinced himself it wasn't ever going to happen again, so the idea of Darren waiting for him made him stupidly happy. (He had his own key; at 11 o'clock, Chris looked at the clock and knew Darren was already there, drinking a coke and watching Jon Stewart on Chris's couch.)

Chris hasn't slept with anyone else. He didn't want to. His body is turned on by Darren now. It feels too lame to say out loud, but he almost always thought about sex with Darren when he jerked off.

He rides home a little too fast, and he's pretty sure he left at least one light on by accident at the bar. He climbs the steps to his place and Darren jerks the door open, shirtless and barefoot in the warm spring night. "Missed you so much," he murmurs against Darren's throat as he presses Darren back into the apartment, kicking the door shut behind him.

Darren giggles (totally fucking giggles) and lets Chris push him back toward the bedroom. He starts unfastening Chris' jeans. (He'd missed the smell of Chris, beer and Head & Shoulders and gum. He licks Chris's neck, chasing the familiar taste of him.)

Chris drops his leather jacket on the couch, and his shirt somewhere in the hallway. Darren is already slipping a hand into his jeans and Chris hisses as Darren's fingers find hot skin. Chris grabs Darren's ass and pulls him closer, his middle finger teasing along the seam of his ass and Darren shivers. "Yes, Chris," he sighs and pushes back against his hand.

"Yes, what?" Chris says, teasing a little as he kicks out of his jeans. Darren blinks up at him, already looking debauched.

"Fuck me? Please?"

Chris swears under his breath and shoves Darren down on the bed. He pulls off Darren's jeans and underwear in one long tug and Darren arches off the mattress when Chris traces his fingers up Darren's inner thigh, his legs splayed wide. Chris catches the base of Darren's cock in his lips so he can lick at it, nuzzling in. Darren arches (he loves that spot) and Chris just sucks harder and teases a finger over his entrance. Darren gasps and bends one leg at the knee, lifting his hips a fraction. Darren's always been this intuitive in his responses to sex and Chris grins and presses his finger in a fraction while strokes Darren's cock. Darren's almost totally hard, but its taking a little longer than usual and Chris narrows his eyes and looks up at him.

"Did you start without me, Wilson?" he asks, shaking his head in mock disbelief.

Darren blushes. "I was here, and the last time I was here ... It's a pretty nice memory." Chris pushes his finger in far enough to brush over Darren's prostate. "Fuck!" Darren bucks and Chris palms his hip, shushing him with a grin.

"Still got neighbors, Dar," he laughs and Darren just whimpers, wrapping one long leg around Chris's back.

"Come on," Darren whispers harshly and Chris nods to the nightstand.

"You know where it is," he says and Darren stretches over and yanks open the drawer, tossing the lube to Chris.

He lubes two fingers and presses them in slowly. Darren lies back against the bed and just breathes. Chris is so good at this and the anticipation is killing Darren. Chris slides his mouth over the head of Darren's cock and slowly stretches him. It's been too long, and Chris has to re-train himself to go slow, to let Darren tell him when he's ready for more. Chris is so hard he's hoping he'll make three minutes when he finally gets to fuck Darren, so he's taking his time here, teasing and pulling until Darren is scrabbling for his shoulder and pushing him back. "Stop, god," he says, blushing, and Chris knows he's close.

"Feel ready?" Chris asks, and Darren nods quickly.

"Please." Chris nudges his cock up against Darren's entrance and pushes in, nice and slow. His body remembers Darren's, wants to fuck him hard and fast.

Darren sighs and uncurls his fingers, and Chris can hear the crinkle of a condom wrapper as it falls to the floor. They haven't used condoms for months, and Chris goes cold for a second. "Did you want--" he starts and Darren shakes his head.

"Just. Thought you might have," Darren starts, and Chris doesn't need him to finish it.

"No one but you," he whispers harshly and presses close enough that Darren can wrap his legs around Chris's waist.

"Me either," he says into Chris's throat.

Chris closes his eyes for a minute, feeling really shitty about making Darren feel bad, and then rolls his hips in, long and slow. He wants this to last. (Darren, for his part, grabs his cock almost immediately and closes his fist tight to keep from coming.) He tries to keep it smooth, using his whole body to press into, over, around, but Darren leans up to kiss him, unfocused, wet slides of his lips across Chris's cheek, chin, mouth, and Chris lowers himself to his elbows so he can kiss back, lets his hips do all the work.

He's having so much trouble staying in control. Darren is eager and sweet and here, which Chris didn't think he'd ever be again, and when Darren starts licking up the column of Chris' neck, he loses control. Chris is groaning low in his chest, and Darren is panting hot in his ear as Chris's hips piston hard and fast into his body. "Yes, yes, fuck, Chris," Darren moans and after another stroke Chris can feel Darren shake apart under him, squeezing around Chris's cock as he comes into his own hand.

That's the sexiest thing ever, every time it happens. From where he is, Chris can see the way the muscles of Darren's shoulders tighten up and the clenching around his cock is intense and it's taking him everything he has not to come.

He remembers their first time, late at night in this bed, and how Darren was a little embarrassed when he came, worried he looked silly or stupid, and Chris had laughed. Darren looks amazing when he comes, all open mouth surprise and half-mast eyes. Chris doesn't know how he ever thought he could give that up. "Chris," Darren rasps, his sticky hand slipping down to where Chris's cock is fucking him slowly.

Chris could do this, keep sliding into him forever, but Darren's warm, wet fingers clasp his cock, urging him on, and he only manages another handful of stuttering thrusts before he's pressed against Darren, panting as he comes.

Darren's other hand slips into his hair and Chris blinks his eyes open as Darren noses against his jaw, murmuring softly. "What?" Chris asks and Darren kisses his temple.

"Never wanted anyone but you," he says again, and Chris sighs.

"Good," he says, "cause I think you're stuck with me." Darren wrinkles his nose. "Not to me, dork," Chris rolls his eyes fondly and Darren laughs. Chris finally pulls away enough to disentangle them and will gladly change the sheets. In the morning.

"Promise you won't be such a douche next semester?" Darren asks. He picked up most of his swear words from Ty.

"Yeah, promise," he says and gives Darren a quick kiss on the lips before padding five steps to the bathroom for a damp handtowel and a glass of water (one for Darren, the other for himself).

Darren wipes himself off as Chris climbs in bed, and turns to curl half on top of him once he's settled. "Seriously," he says sleepily into Chris's shoulder. "I will come back here and kick your ass."

"How do you propose that will happen," Chris asks, a little sarcastic, and Darren lifts his head.

"Didn't I tell you? Mom and dad are giving me the old truck for next year, since I have an internship. Chris lifts an eyebrow. "Oh, right," Darren says, "I guess you wouldn't have heard, since you don't pick up my messages." Chris smiles and Darren steals his water glass. "So we can have sex here instead of in my dorm, which was a little scary."

"Fuck here," Chris grins and slides his leg between Darren's. "We can have sex anywhere we want in the back of my boyfriend’s sexy pickup truck."

Darren opens his eyes wide. "Oooh, you're right." Chris has a sleeping bag he's willing to donate to the cause. Chris shuts off the light and drags Darren under the quilt with him.
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