Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been in contact much or keeping commissions updated. My health hasn't been the greatest the past couple of weeks, a seasonal bug and a slew of migraines have kept me down. Apparently my food sensitivities have jumped again and now I'm going to have to be even more careful than I already am of what I eat. Had eaten a few things that I thought were safe, but turned out to most certainly not agree with me in any way.
Then it was catching up with real life between the migraines and losing my ability to Social when sick... yeah. Lost track of time in a big way.
Right now the commission update stands at four paid and completed works, two paid-for incomplete works (one of which is about 90% done the other has an almost finished background), two TF world-building design works to be negotiated once I can present cohesive sketches, and two full body (one w/two characters) OC pics that are demi-design works. Then there's a couple of people who are patiently waiting in the wings for when I can focus on them once I whittle away at what's on my plate some.
If any of you as commissioners are more comfortable with me posting a naming names list, please let me know. Right now I'm being vague since I didn't ask permission and I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Also! Thank you everyone who sent me TF Valentines! They're were very sweet and were a very badly needed pick me when I was feeling shitty.
(To give you an idea of what I usually need to avoid.and not clutter up the main post..)
Food coloring of anything not directly derived from clear sources like plants such as beets. Dyes like Red #40 are a big flat NO. We're talking about migraines kicking in before I'm even done eating level of no. Artificial color, because hey who cares where we got the color or what it is as long as it doesn't 'affect most people' and as long as we say we added something.
Nitrates and a ton of other preservatives. This encompasses foods like cured meats such as hams and hotdogs, easy-to-make instant type foods, a huge range of desserts, and pretty much every easy or low priced food out there. Or even the ingredients for easy to make foods.
Anything other than yeast that works to rise baked goods as they cook. This is the one I learned the hard way this last week, hello high levels of nausea on top of everything else my migraines usually throw at me. And this was made as a pick me up since I was feeling awful too.
Bleached flours, which while I can have in small doses with relatively little effect, it's easy to go over my limit when it's everywhere,
So yeah, all this just adds up to me having to cook most of my own food if I don't want to lose an arm and a leg every time I go grocery shopping. It doesn't help that if something does slip past my screenings, I can get foggy-headed and unfocused that makes planning a meal and cooking it becoming harder and I just want easy food. Which is then more likely to adversely affect me and leave me worse off than I was before. It sucks.
Originally posted at my
dreamwidth account.