The stockier one with partial colors I based on the bobcat and lynx. It needs polishing but I like the idea of a short-tailed photocat, and for in-verse reasons, a shorter tail would be better in a colder climate. Less chance of breakage, and I'll have to look up the noble gases again and see how they do in lower temperatures to see if the photocat developing lights on its face to make up for the lack is valid. Need to work on how they communicate and signal each other to begin with anyway. All in all, just messing around with the different cat types that I can translated into a Cybertronian critter.
The other two are exercises in movement and posture, keeping the cat dynamic and seeing if it works in what I've developed so far. And I really need to solidify a general design on their climber hook claws, these guys aren't predators like our Earth felines so their primary function is to get the photocats high as possible where they can soak up the most rays and anything else is secondary.
There's a larger scene of photovoltaic cats in a "forest" of their trees I was trying to work on instead today, so that might come up later this month when I can focus on it longer than a minute at a time.
Also, if there's anything I do with Cybertronian wildlife that doesn't seem to work right or make sense or even if it seems like I'm ignoring some awesome aspect of the Earth animals these are all based on, please let me know. While this is "just" fanart, I want these to be as believable and as amazing as our own fellow earthlings. Course, if something is too Earth-like, I'd like to know that too.
(Why do I do this to myself? I'm barely two-thirds done and I'm floundering... bad. *weeps frustrated artist tears*)
Originally posted at my
dreamwidth account.