Ingeniumespennuiphobia: The fear of bored scientists

Oct 18, 2008 23:31

*grins* I invented a word. Watch me butcher latin at the same time.

And this is why I don't do comics, there's always a panel that refuses to show up. In this case Perceptor was trying to convince Prime. Posting and hoping for any ideas to fill it, because I am at a loss. From a mutated bunny #9 found here. [Optimus tries very hard to keep his science team busy. Because nothing scares him more than bored scientists.] Oh and fear my shoddy handwriting.

Just so this post has something complete in it. That and I'm really happy with this version, none of the other versions I tried never turned out quite right.

oc: minefield, sauricons, bunny farm, oc's, transformers, fanart

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