Ever since I did that picture of a titanium moosebot looming over Dead End, I've been working on a fanfic that's evolved from that snapshot into a full blown story. And I lost it, deleted somehow. What's worse is that the reason I discovered it was gone, I was backing up my files and I couldn't find it. *sigh* I think I spent over two and a half hours exploiting every trick in the book I knew trying to find it again without success. /vent
In other news, I got my first cell phone over the weekend. I've never felt a pressing need for one, even when I went to college. (guess who was pissed when they started getting rid of their payphones) And I didn't even bother activating my messages until today, well, yesterday to be technical. Obviously, I'm one of those doesn't talk to people much types.
Oh! And it finally snowed. Thank Primus. Anyone who doesn't believe in global warming doesn't know how scary it is to have key seasonal weather be over a month late. (or they just don't care, which is scary in itself) And as much as we joke "if you don't like the weather in Michigan, wait ten minutes" this last year has been all over the place. A few of our festivals took me by surprise in their timing because I think of the seasonal changes and climate as temporal markers. And with those screwed up, so was my sense of yearly time.
I also need to gain some weight, at least ten pounds. While I kept my fluids up, I hardly ate at all when I was sick. I also tend to forget to eat when stressed, which I've realized I have been for over the last month, so that didn't help either. It's happened before in various intensities, so I didn't put to much thought into it. But then I knew I had a problem when I had to wait a little while so I could finish my plate at Thanksgiving. Hey self, you can't keep inadvertently starving yourself. You've lost weight like this before remember? You need to eat, but I guess the fact that you didn't drop below a hundred pounds this time is good.