57911 / 50000 words. 116% done!
I actually finished my story last night! ^^ I still have a lot of work before it will even start to resemble something readable, and I think I should add an epilogue... But for now, I have put that "The End" in there, and clocked in at about 8000 words above the goal. Not too shabby... XD
It was actually surprisingly easy. I made my damndest to reach the daily goal, and just kept writing. Some days I made the double count, some days I did a little less, but I was always writing. That way I reached 50,000 on the 21st. After that I hit a bit of a wall. I felt like I was climbing a mountain, hitting the designated camps along the way at a great speed. Then, when I reached the top and took a moment to bask in the glory of my journey, and could see the amazing view from up there, someone pointed and said that there was yet another top further up.
But, I had already reached my goal. I had made it to the top, and I could see the view perfectly fine. I had done everything I set out to do. Why should I go any further?
I did it, though. I kept on walking, at a slower pace, with less intensity, but I finished completely during the allocated time.
Now I get to bask in an even greater glory, and enjoy an even greater view.
Then I have to start working on walking all the way down again.