Mar 30, 2011 05:12
Well, kids, here we are. I debated for a long time about even posting this. But it's probably best if I actually let people know what's goin' on.
I don't wanna go on slowatus, and I might not end up ending up on slowatus, because I'm gonna need a fair amount of other, better things to concentrate on to get past what's goin' on. Namely, ANYTHING positive'll help, for the foreseeable future. Apologies in advance if I end up snapping at you guys at some point; it really has absolutely nothing to do with you. I'm just under a hellish amount of stress (even more than usual!) that I mostly can't do anything about the cause of.
See, there's a few things that've happened, so instead of barraging you with the list, I'm going to go down to the top two that happened this month. I got hit by a truck (I'm alright, just a few...uh... lingering painful bruises) and now I found out yesterday my mother's got cancer. I'm still here but I can't promise I'll have all the inspiration in the world. So just bear with me if I'm slow to integrate/tag in/do things, if you will.
So... ah... yes. That's about it. Thanks for your time.