Jan 07, 2012 22:16
EDIT: The Snow Storm event and the Puzzle event has been split and the Puzzle event will be happening a little after this is over! Sorry if anyone got confused about that!
Hello once again, citizens of Ink City! You may have heard of it through Labo or other sources, but starting on the 16th we will be having a snowstorm event!
For those unaware, this will be the first in hopefully a line of various extreme weather related events. Snowfall will be getting heavier at an alarming rate The snow will be so heavy that by the next day it would be nigh impossible to get out of their houses. But just before then, many people can seek shelter from others, regardless of if they have good relationships with one another.
The event should end on the 30th: two weeks after it starts. However, if you have any complaints on it being to long or even too short, feel free to contact us!
Planning for this can go two ways - you can either plan it out ahead of time with people over AIM or otherwise, and that's fine!
But if you don't already have an idea on what you'd like to do, you can take an alternate method by doing one of two things:
1. Simply reply to this post with your character and a place - permission must be obtained if it is someone else's, but 'a carved out den in the snow' can work as well as public places such as the Library if you don't want to have it be your character's home. You run a risk of doing so by anyone (and I do mean anyone) replying to it and joining you for the duration of the event.
2. Alternately, reply to a tag with a character name. Try to not all join one person and leave others stranded with no tags to it.
If you do not get anyone joining before the event, notify a mod and we can assign you somewhere, or ask to join someone else.
winter event,
event announcement,
weather event,
event details,
event news,