Dec 05, 2011 23:07
HIYA LABO! It's your friendly neighborhood Becky here. Some of you might even remember me! I played Parson Gotti from Erfworld and Bugs Bunny from Looney Tunes. Technically, I should say "play", since they are only on hiatus. BUT NO LONGER.
Yes! Some of you will have already heard this news via plurk or via Labo chat, but I return! The semester is about over, and I miss you guys. <3 So, I am bringing back sexy Parson to Ink City. I have some ideas as for why he's been so quiet lately (i.e. the past several months >>;; ) that I will be working into a post some time soon.
... that said, you may have noticed the lack of a certain wascally wabbit in the above paragraph. I'm afraid I will be dropping Bugs because I honestly just don't know what to do with him. If I ever figure it out, I'll consider bringing him back, but until then, it's back to carrots by the poolside in retirement for him. Apologies for any missed CR, but then, I don't think I had him around for much to begin with.
still alive,