My, my the weather is changing rather drastically isn't it? The snow seems to be getting heavier these days.
I hope everyone had a very pleasant Christmas here. I'm sure it's hard being away from loved ones all the time. Especially when holidays come and go like the wind. It's strange...I didn't feel too indifferent here than I would be at home. It
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Comments 14
That sounds awesome!
[Brb sounding immensely excited.]
I find it much more rich to make it from scratch. There might even be some cookies to go along with it.
[Hot dog. Cookies AND hot chocolate? :D]
Gosh...cookies too?
Sugar cookies and chocolate chip sound good to you?
I just don't recommend eating the snow though.
[Shiro chuckles on the other hand, before going to another point...] Was he the one who was near a boat? I think I saw him when I went to the beach...maybe. I don't really remember...I'll be sure to stay off his case, though. Promise.
Ah, well I'm not sure. I sadly don't get to converse with Feenie at all, so I'm never sure where he is. He's not hard to miss. Tends to wear a blue suit and has a interesting pointy hairstyle. I guess you can compare it to a porcupine.
[Less you know someone else who has that type of awkward hairstyle.]
He just seems to be having an 'awful' time lately from when I looked on this before. Just wish I could do something for him.
[...Interesting pointy style. Immediately Shiro's starting to wonder if he has any relation to Grimsley.] That's interesting...I'll remember that in case I see him again, though.
Maybe...have you thought of giving him a good surprise? Something that will...get his hopes up, if only a little bit! [Shiro you should not be giving Dahlia an idea that can turn horrible--]
A surprise, hm? [Pauses briefly.] That's a interesting idea...though I'm not really sure what. A long time ago I gave him a sweater I knitted when we were still dating. He seemed to really like it, but that's when he was younger.
I'll just keep that in mind though.
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