5th Recording // Cave Johnson // Accidental Picture and Video

Dec 09, 2011 23:59

[Cave is running a test to see if he can touch his tongue to his elbow, when the communicator buzzes.]

What's this? a message from Holli? Looks like a download of some kind...

[Cave opens the data file to find this pg-13-pushing picture of Caroline. Thanks Holli. He looks away, having what would be a spit take had he been drinking. He looks back, after a time. His eyes widen and he just...stares, drinking in the photo. Much longer then would generally be accepted, in fact. Eventually, the ogling simmers down to a fond smile.]

[Why, Cave enjoys this so much that he will be saving this. Unfortunately, Cave is STILL not quite up to date on the full functionality of this device, and that save button looks sooooo much like the send button. So hey, Cave just accidentally sent that pic to the entirety of the network.]

[ooc: Caroline may thread jack. If that's not ok, just mention it in the subject.]

[portal] cave johnson, *illustrated post

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