corrne in ink

(no subject)

Oct 07, 2005 09:24

Yesterday I finally found the time to go and see my tattoo artist Dan. I have gone to him for two out of the three tattoo's I have at this time. The one on my lower back has been bothering me for a while now. It is a triquetra on my lower back, right on my tail-bone. I got this tattoo while I was in Atlanta visiting a friend in January. This was a stupid mistake I know now.

I showed Dan my tattoo, knowing that a lot of the ink was missing out of it, and also wanting to know what I could do to stop it from being so itchy all the time. Quite frankly, I wanted it repaired. He took one look at me and told me I have scar tissue built up underneath the tattoo, that is why it is raised up and itchy. He told me who ever tattooed me tore me up and did one hell of a job.

Dan said he can fix the color issue, but the only problem is he has to redo the whole tattoo. If he goes to fill in the splotches of color that are missing because so much ink is on holiday it will look like hell. So he gave me a good deal and said that he would repair the hack job done on me.

Thinking back now things didn't feel right. At the time I knew it. It hurt so much when he was tattooing me I wanted him to stop. But I didn't because it was suppose to be something my friend and I were doing together. After the outline I should have made him stop. When I was so uncomfortable that I wanted to cry.

Don't forget, like I did, that you are the client, and you are on the table getting a service from them to you. If things don't feel right make them stop. It's not worth ruining your body and having to have it corrected later. I learned this the hard way.

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