here are pictures...of all of my tatoos. including the rudimentary peni one that i got yesterday on my chest. that hurt...and the 2 that are in black and white were photoshopped to be darker because the flash on my mom's olddddd school digital camera is bright and i dont know how to work digital cameras. so excuse the black and whiteness.its solely there for more contrast instead of a big blur.
pee wee tattoo. its all blurry due to crappy camera.
new one on my chest. Nick Blinko skeleton.
Chuck Palahniuk on my back.
Maurin wine label on my arm (green goblin).
jolly roger on my wrist. and writing in latin that says "I have sought the undead."
symbol of my birthday on my forearm, first tattoo.
skeleton laying down with the moon behind it.
jason brian dax? murphy