☪ 3 Voice

Apr 29, 2011 17:59

[More musings, coming from shadow and darkness. Creeper is creepy, but every watchful. And he's very interested in these insane goings-on of this new world.]

...such power. To affect an entire world so. [Then his voice goes very clinical, as if recording to himself and himself alone.] To even affect the residents in totality. They seem to have no memory of their former "lives", as it were. And only a select few affected. Hn, most intriguing.

And yet the Keyblades lie quiet. I have not felt their stirrings for some time. [But then, he's been quite soundly asleep.] I wonder... what of the hearts? There are many here ripe.

[Silence for a bit, then a final succinct musing.] Hn. Perhaps we shall see.

voice, ic, somarium

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