Profile for somarium

Mar 05, 2011 04:27

[Character Name] Saix
[Canon] Kingdom Hearts
[Point Taken from Canon] Just prior to his last battle with Sora

[Age] Unknown
[Gender] Male for all intents and purposes
[Sexual Orientation] Unknown

[Eye Color] Gold
[Hair Color] Azure
[Height] 6'
[Other] Pointed ears, X shaped scar across brow, elongated canines
[Clothing] Organization Cloak and Claymore

[Background] Kingdom Hearts Wiki Reference.
However, it should be noted that I spoke with the moderators concerning Birth by Sleep, as I have not yet played the game. The mods allowed that "Isa's" history does not have to be included, since it is somewhat of a given that "Isa" and Saix are two different characters entirely. Ergo, Saix will have no memory of his time before he lost his heart and became a Nobody.

[Personality] Cold, emotionless and driven describe Saïx perfectly. The most “nobody-like” of all the Organization, with the possible exception of Xemnas, Saïx is dangerously intelligent and a very efficient operative. During the fight to obtain the Kingdom Hearts, Saïx was more than likely the most dedicated of all the Organization, repeatedly stating his desire to finally and truly exist.

He can be quite cruel and manipulative, using whatever he can to attain his goals and further his mission. But underneath this icy veneer lies an intense savagery, just barely leashed under the glassy surface. Saïx has the power to become a berserk force of destruction if given the need. If driven to this berserker state, he sheds his guise of cold perfect evil and becomes a raging beast, roaring, screaming and attacking with a violent intensity akin to a powerful rabid beast.

Although he gives "lip service" to his superior and even will bow and scrape appropriately, the Berserker keeps his own counsel about his plans and feelings. While not truly and completely dedicated to his Organization, Saix plays the perfect part, a bland mask of servitude but it is mostly for show, coupled with his cynical sense of humor and indiscriminate, sometimes scathing, reprimands of his fellow operatives.

Saix can also slip from his human demeanor to a very wolfish state, sometimes using growls and snarls instead of words to illustrate his point or deliver warnings to others. Although his ears are pointed and very lupine appearing, they nevertheless do not "twitch", but afford the Nobody with very keen hearing, and his golden eyes are sharp, missing very little, much like those of a large wolf, and his sense of smell is quite higher than most.

In his pre-berserker state, he has been known to demonstrate wolfish tendencies; ofttime snarling and snapping his teeth - the canines of which are quite abnormally elongated on both top and bottom - but never once, although a few of his former companions have whispered about it, has he "barked". [This last paragraph is head-canon, just to reference.]

[Specialties/Abilities] Saix wields the Claymore, a large sword of incredible power. The commander of the Berserker Nobodies, Saïx draws upon the power of the moon; when he enters into his Berserker mode, his appearance changes slightly, the scar on his face becomes jagged and more pronounced. He becomes more ferocious and animalistic, as well, often baring his teeth and snarling viciously.

When in battle, he draws upon brute strength, of which he has plenty. As well as a limit break called "Berserk". He gains tremendous speed and rushes his opponent(s), delivering massive damage that is hard to field against.

Like all the Nobodies, he also has the ability to use shadow portals for teleportation. He summons heartless also known as Berserkers, who also deal heavy damage and wield huge weapons.

[Affection] Don't.

[Fighting] Feel froggy? JUMP. Saix packs a helluva punch, and he also has the ability to summon hordes of heartless to aid him in battle.

[Other Permissions] Due to the unique constitution of the Nobodies, I'll say no to the telepathic/telekinetic invasion. They're really shells of their former selves, they have no hearts or souls.

[Other Facts] When I get more headcanon, it'll fill up!

profile, ooc, somarium

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