(no subject)

Jan 11, 2003 18:07

Paul and Kayla are curled up on the sofa watching the football game, she's showing signs of being my daughter on a daily basis. There was a time when I wondered, she was sooo different from me, there was just nothing between the two of us that was related, other then blood. Slowly though, she crept closer to me in personality. First was the Doc's, then cutting her hair short. It's moved on to the music. She secretly loooves my taste in music. Yes, secretly, because I don't think she's ready yet to admit it to my face. I have however, found many of my cds in her stereo, and when we're in the car and she hears a song (from one of my cds) that she likes she'll ask Paul to turn it up. Woot! I claim two of them, and with Sara and Drew, we have yet to see! Poor Paul, his worst fear was that Kayla would turn out JUST LIKE HER MOTHER!! Buwahahaha!!

Speaking of football, yesterday afternoon I was listening to this talk-radio show that I like. Well, I like all kinds of talk-radio, but this fella in the afternoon, Jon Silverman is one of my favourites. He comes up with stupid topics, good for a little comic relief in the day. Anyways, one of the topics from yesterday was tv shows. Specifically, what tv show does your spouse watch that you absolutely hate or vice versa? The topic wasn't all that interesting, but this guy, who's name was Tom phoned in. Tom told an anecdote about his wife, and how he had bought her a 42" flatpanel plasma tv for Christmas. Now, I don't know how much that tv would cost for my American friends, but up here, you're looking around 8 to 10 thousand dollars. So Tom bought his wife the tv. Only now, if Tom wants to watch the football game with his buddies, he has to watch it in his bedroom on the "other" tv. Why? Because they aren't watching it on HER tv. {{Me personally? If Paul had bought me a 42" plasma tv, not only could he watch the ballgame with his buddies, but I'd be out in the shed making the beer...but that's just me, and I'm not normal}}
We all know that Tom really just wanted the tv for himself, but figured he could get away with it if he gifted the big deal to his wife. What Tom has learned by his adventure, is that by giving his wife a tv, he gave her control.
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