Title: Yes
initiatesixPairing: Demi/Selena
Genre: Futurefic, fluff, romance, angst
Rating: G
Summary: Two years after her departure from Hollywood, Demi receives an answer.
Word Count: ~600
Note: So, who remembers me? No? Anyone? That's okay. It's been a loooooong time. But now that summer vacation is here and the demands of college have loosened their deathly grasp on my personal time, I intend to be back here every now and then. So...Here you go. It's a drabble. Hope you like. :)
It's a rainy day with a frozen yogurt in hand when Demi first realizes the two things she associates most closely with Selena are rain drops and yogurt.
Her house is quiet and small, the kind she'd always dreamed of as a child. It rests on a respectable tract of land in the middle of northern Texas and since the mini-meltdown style aftermath of her early retirement from the industry, she's very rarely been bothered.
Sometimes, on days like this, she sits on her front porch swing and thinks about things, the kinds of things one thinks about when deciding if they've done the right thing.
On days like this, she thinks about Selena.
It was at the age of 23 that Demi Lovato finally said goodbye to the glitz and glamor of stardom to settle for a quiet life away from the lights and cameras. Young by anyone's standards but Hollywood's, really. At 23, Demi was grown up. Too grown up.
Stardom had changed her, and everyone had seen it, and it had taken a real-life intervention from Dallas for her to see it.
On these days, these rainy days that she loves so much, she opens up a pint of yogurt and thinks about that day, 2 years ago.
On days like this, she thinks about Selena. She thinks about the day she told her best friend that she loved her.
She thinks about the day her heart was broken.
They had met up at their favorite hang-out, a family owned ice cream shop with the absolute best frozen yogurt ever. The weatherman's evil lies promising sunshine had, of course, been promptly ignored by mother nature and the drops started to fall mere moments after they arrived.
It's here that her memories become choppy, like a badly cut film reel. She remembers ordering, of course. As always, she got chocolate pistachio and Selena wrinkled her nose playfully before ordering her usual vanilla.
She remembers sitting down inside. This is the first thing that makes her stomach turn, the way it does when something out of place happens.
She remembers taking exactly one bite of her fro yo, and then talking.
She remembers Selena's face. That open shock. The tremble in her lip. The tears that threatened to fall.
She remembers asking, begging Selena to come with her, to leave the lights and the fame and the glory behind and to just come with her.
She remembers asking Selena to be her everything, and she remembers being told "no".
In two years, she can count exactly thirty days like this. Days when the rain is falling in just the right amount and the temperature is perfect. Days that illicit these memories with a pounding, jackhammering heartache.
Days when all she does is crack open a pint of vanilla frozen yogurt and sit on the porch, not able to find the will to cry.
But of course, enough is enough. It has to be right?
Two years down the road, 27 year old Demi Lovato will remember this day.
The day she set down the pint of fro yo and picked up the phone.
The day she heard Selena's voice for the first time in years and, centimeter by centimeter, the gaping tear in her heart started to mend.
Two years down the road, 27 year old Demi Lovato will tell Selena Gomez-Lovato this story.
And Selena will laugh.
And everything will be perfect.
But Demi doesn't know that. Not until she hears that voice on the other end.
Not until she starts to ask, and before she can finish, all she hears are those three letters she's always wanted to hear.