some people are freakish freaks

Feb 15, 2009 22:17

A couple of hours ago, I exited Trader Joe's to find a note on my car enjoining me to "Learn To Park!"

I remind you that I drive a Mini Cooper.  I usually park it in my hip pocket.

In this case, I had parked it in front of TJ's, nose in, in a space about the size of a football field.  While my parking angle may have been 92º or even 93º, I certainly was well within my space.

So.  WTF?


In my continuing adventures through The Land Of Win, TJ's now is regularly carrying "Wisconsin Cheese Curds" in their cheese case.

In my opinion, these are close enough for government work to Québec cheese curds.

I told the checkout clerk that now what the food-product gurus at TJ's Central really need to develop is a good, beefy-salty packaged gravy, hopefully not even remotely resembling anything produced by Franco-American.  Because being able to make poutine without the hassle of roasting a beef first would be teh awesome.

In the meantime, I'm going to try to make do with their organic beef broth in the aseptically-sealed box, doctoring it up with something (corn starch? onions? garlic? pepper and salt?) to give it good gravy flavor and consistency.  Over organic russet fries, this would seem to promise all manner of yum.


I have cut back to 1/3 my original dose of Prednisone daily, and fortunately the speedarifficness has cut back a good bit too.  I am still prone to anxiety/hurty brain/heart palpitations, but at least an Ativan takes the edge off it, and I can sleep comfortably without twitching awake ten minutes in.  And when I am awake, about half the time I can actually concentrate on detailed tasks.

Of course, I'm also prone to initiating highly erratic projects like starting to clean my ovens (Yes, ovens.  I have big oven A, little oven B, toaster oven C.  Not counting microwave oven D, because it doesn't need any serious chemical application or scrubbing) at 10 pm on a Saturday night.  But that's the kind of energy fit I was looking forward to having while on this stuff, so it's not really a bad thing.  It's just definitely not a normal thing.  :D


Finally:  Budgiedome folk!  Has anyone heard anything from Fred, a/k/a Iain Campbell Smith, the past couple of weeks? I sent him an email saying I hoped all was okay with him and his loved ones, and commiserating a bit about the dreadful Australian bushfires, but haven't heard back.  From what I can gather given the address I have for him, he's not particularly near Melbourne/Victoria, but for itinerant musicians "home address" often bears no resemblance to "current location".   So I'm not really worried, and realizing that Fred is who Fred is I know he's probably very likely in the thick of some rescue or fundraising effort - but I'd be happier if I knew someone had been in touch with him.

iain campbell smith, food, weird people, household, med

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