(no subject)

Jan 20, 2009 13:54

So far my inauguration day has consisted of a series of cancellations.  Wooo.

Last week during an exam my dentist noticed a bump on my neck.  Specifically, he noticed "tenderness", which I thought was damned strange because it didn't feel tender at all to me.  He further told me to keep an eye on it for a couple of weeks, and if it didn't dissipate to get hold of my oto-laryngologist, who also happens to be my allergist.

Of course, I went home, looked in the mirror, and was all "how could I possibly not have noticed that egg on my neck?  Or the smaller one in front of my ear? Especially when there's nothing equally protuberant on the other side?" and promptly tried to stay rational.  Which I've managed, about 80% of the time.  The other 20%, dire differential self-diagnoses run through my head.  Hodgkins lymphoma!  Adverse reaction to feral cats! Lupus!  (No, Cameron, it's never lupus.) Mono!  Naphthalene poisoning!

Fast forward one week.  That not-tender part?  Not any longer.  It's gone well past power of suggestion, which I suspected when it first started tenderizing, and now feels like a moderately bad ear infection, which feels strange because I never get ear infections on my left side.  And the swelling is worse.  Also, I'm sleeping a lot, even for me.  But no fever, even though I feel like I have a fever and have woken up several times in the middle of the night to throw off quilts and sheets.  Maybe that's just hormones run amok.

At any rate, I didn't get up early and go to Forgotten Cats this morning before coming home to watch the inauguration.  That annoys me, because I wanted to go feed the urchins and maybe snuggle some of the more civilized ones, do my "day of service" and all that.  Besides, I was learning tech last week!  I was doing pre-operative prep!  It was cool, and definitely more pleasant work than cleaning poopy traps.  And now I probably seem like just another slightly unreliable volunteer who can't be counted on, especially on Inauguration Day.  Feh.

Anyway, after sleeping late and then watching the pomp and ceremony, I just cancelled my late-afternoon dentist appointment to repair a broken filling, because really?  More pressure on my head right now?  No thanks.

Which leaves me with just one thing to do today, and that is go to my primary care doc and get referrals for whatever he wants to subject me to, which may be anything from Zithromax to oto-laryng-allergist referrals (which I need anyway for my next state-of-the-allergies visit) to CT scan and biopsy and God only knows what other ooky costly diagnostic procedures.  And that is one appointment I am not cancelling, although I think I'll take a nap first.

Fortunately, considering all of the above, I have nothing else I must attend to until tomorrow night, when I do setup for Lansdowne Folk Club, and then Thursday afternoon, when we're doing a house inspection on the Hilldale house.  *crosses fingers*  Oh!  Speaking of which, we're supposed to be settling on St. Paddy's Day, assuming a lot of things.  Anyway, I don't know if I'll make it to LFC for the actual show Thursday night or not.  That depends on how long the home inspection takes, and how tired and hungry we are, and whether or not my neck bump/jaw-ear bump/ear is exploding on me.  In other words, I'll play it by (infected) ear. 

house, sick, med, neck

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