Angst. Woe. Dramedy. And homebodyness.

Oct 30, 2007 12:09

Seems that when drama is asploding everyelsewhere on the internets, some carefully selected lj readings can lure me back into writing because of the unmatched whimsy, sarcasm and snarkarifficness that can only be found among friends long accustomed to one another's slightly daft humor.

Too bad we are driven to kvetching here because trying to hold a free discussion in the relevant forum is rendered freaking unproductive by one overbearing, tone-deaf, and irony-impaired tool with a high regard for the individual cows he holds sacred.

Don't you hate it when trolls decide they want to dominate and stifle dissent in what briefly promised to be a particularly useful forum?  I know I do.


Over the past 2 days it finally has decided to be Autumn in Upper Darby.  This is a good thing, but it necessitates speeding up the "inviting Cow!Cat to live in the house with the other kitties" procedure I have been working on for the past few weeks.

It's been a fitful process. Mainly, he seems to have reached treaties with Thomas and Lady.  And if he respects Pixie's space, she doesn't object when he's in the room, although if she's surprised by his presence she'll freak - and when another cat freaks Cow!Cat gets agitated and temporarily aggressive, which he then vents on me because I am safe and trusted and the Mama.  This usually results in a scratch or ten, as he'll box my legs as he speeds past me on the way to neutral territory.  Not as big a problem now that it's long-pants weather.

Leo, however ...

Leo is a big ol' fuffy drama queen.  I have not yet managed to have them both in the same room without high hysteria ensuing. Then Steve usually steps in, with a dirty shirt or jeans or towel in hand, to play Big Ol' Dominant Male Kittycat.  They seem to not notice that he's only got two legs and really short whiskers.

This only works, however, when Steve is at home.  Which.  He often is not.


I have become hopelessly addicted to Law & Order: SVU.   This fetish was born in hotel rooms during Andrew's and my college-tour travels last summer, but it really took off with a vengeance over the past month and a half.

Also, Monk.  
horvendile and my Mom had only been raving about this little gem for a couple of years before I broke down and watched it.  Now I've been lured into wasting more time in front of the television, and less in front of the computer.  Not sure that's a more productive use of time, but whatever.  I'm now an empty-nester, so clearly I have to fill my long lonely days with hobbies or crafts or teevee or something.  *snort*


Seriously, after spending the better part of two months travelling (Falcon Ridge!  the Poconos! Syracuse!  Ottawa!  Bahamas! Tucson! Atlantic City!  Places I've forgotten I've been to!) , I have concluded that athletes and musicians and such really aren't all that full of shit when they say they get tired of living out of hotels and just want to stay home for awhile.  Airports suck; hotel or condo beds can be uncomfortable and don't boast real live plushies that curl up next to you and purr; making your own coffee in your own mug is one of life's underappreciated pleasures; so is not having to take a ferry to dinner; and, oh yeah, airports suck.

I have thoroughly enjoyed spending nine consecutive days in the lovely state of Pennsyltucky, and I look forward to not leaving these environs until sometime on November 8.  (That's Family Weekend at Syracuse.)  My house might be a pit, but it's my pit, and I'm comfy here even though the cat fur and plaster dust makes me itch.  :)


I need to go play with my camera now, taking pictures of the cats for a gift for another cat.  Srsly.  Catster can be a very funny place. 

television, cats, drama, travel

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