
Mar 05, 2007 13:07

I have a virus in my right eye.

Yes, appropriate reactions include "Ewwww".  Also, "WTF mate?"

I know this because I had my regular eye doc appointment this morning, which generally consists of a pressure check and a lot of frowning on the part of said doc.  I figured I'd mention the fact that my eye had been unusually goopy and blurry and itchy the past couple of days, might just be pollen, yadda yadda.  (Yes, there is a moderate measure of pollen out there, according to  Cedar and juniper pollen, in fact.  Just imagine my excitement at  receiving these email alerts in MARCH.)

Nothing to do for the virus except wait for it to go away.  Doc said it doesn't appear to be herpes, i.e. related to my recent frequent cold sores on the right side of my lip and nose, but it could be.  But there are no herpetic lesions on my cornea!  Woo-hoo!

I never knew I could feel so grateful over not having something that I didn't know was even possible.  :P

Kickass start to my week, eh?

Oh, and tomorrow I have to pay an impromptu visit to the orthodontist, because I managed to detach a wire late Friday night and, while it isn't poking holes in my cheek, it's not doing its job either.  That trip will most likely be followed by an excursion to Trader Joe's, or possibly, if I feel like a spendthrift, Whole Foods.

This past weekend was spent determining that our ancient stereo tape-drive is deader than the proverbial doornail, so instead of just plonking it down next to the computer and wiring it all together so I can rip cassettes to iTunes, Steve has to buy me a tape drive first.  This would be the follow-up on part of my Christmas present.

In the area of home improvement, he put a nice hole in our house - actually, in our porch door - so that Cow!Cat has a cat-sized entrance, complete with swingy, magnetically-sealing, lockable plastic door.  This will be handy for those times when we have to go away and don't want to leave the porch door hanging open for an urchin-cat.  It also cuts the draft, which  I'm sure the little beastie will appreciate when the "Siberian Express" blows in later today or tonight.  (I'm very amused by this nomenclature.  What, we're not  Blaming Canada anymore?  Oh, wait, wrong department: an Alberta Clipper will be responsible for snow to follow the Russian blast of cold air.)

As for the college lectures on CD series I mentioned a week or so ago, they arrived last Monday and I'm enjoying the first course I've dived into  - Historical Jesus - rather a lot.  It's taught by a religion professor at UNC who also has written extensively on the historical context of the Gospels and New Testament, and his demeanor is rather amusing.  He hasn't tipped his hand yet on his own beliefs, which is creditable (although I've seen them referenced elsewhere.)  And while he's sensitive to the monotheistic and "Christian" worldview many of his undergrad students are coming from, he doesn't pull any punches on the distinctions between history, legend, myth and religion.  (One point he feels bound to make early on, which I find hilarious, is that the term "pagan" is not pejorative.  Hee!  I wonder how many students that is a revelation to?)

A lot of the first 8 lectures is a review for me, but since it's been 20-odd years - and since some of the nuances of "lost" sources didn't make an awful lot of sense to me then - it's providing a good foundation for the more stringent examination I expect the remaining 2/3 of the course will undertake.  I haven't delved into the other 3 courses yet, but I'm happy that I found this series - it definitely seems to be worth the money and time involved.  And it gives me a fun bibliography to peruse, in case I ever run out of things to read.  ;-)

orthodontics, eyes, religion, household, weather, great courses dot com, med

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