
Feb 26, 2007 21:33

How is it that I am numb from exhaustion, yet the part of my head that has a headache, and the other part of my head that is being tormented by porcelain/metal bits and wires, are not?

Not fair, I declare. So. totally. not fair.

The numbness is spillover from yesterday, during which I cleaned rather too much of the downstairs of the house, thus kicking up assorted allergens and causing all manner of sneezy/snorty/postnasal symptoms; then decamped to the World Cafe Live to hear Glen Phillips. Some guy named Craig Cardiff opened for him, displaying a torrid love for his looper thingy (used it for 4 of 6 songs ... a bit much, don't you think?).  He also revealed that he is from Wakefield QC.

Dude. There was a time I SO wanted to live in Wakefield.  I wanted to be Funky Artist Chick, living up a dirt driveway in a treehouse, writing or drawing or painting or lazing around all morning and then wandering over to a suitable local roadhouse for lunch and a coffee ... or a Moosehead ... I'm not picky.  Instead, I was sadly constrained to The Future Megalopolis Of Gatineau.  Waaaah.

I could have won a free CD from him, because I knew the answer to his pop-quiz (who wrote the song he was covering? Dan Bern. Thank God, he didn't loop it.) But he wasn't at the merch table at the end of the show, and I'm not a huge looping fan anyway, so I missed my chance and c'est la vie.

And there was slushy snow all over da place, so I kinda wanted to just get home.

Also, the cute WC bartender needs to learn how to pour a Guinness. He totally ruined mine by literally dumping it into a glass. Thin, bitter, and unsatisfactory.  But I wasn't feeling assertive enough to teach him how to draw a pint.  Boo.  I should have had another beer or two first.  But then I wouldn't have been able to drive in the yick.  But I digress.

Chad and I had standing-room tickets at the bar, but had just finished dinner when a perky hostess came along and told us that there were comp seats available that weren't being used.  So you could say we were "with the band".  Well, except we weren't.  And also, there wasn't a "band", per se.

Glen Phillips is slightly nuts, and seemed severely caffeinated, but gave a good show - a mix of his songs, a few old Toad songs, and a couple of newer things he hasn't recorded yet.  He seemed to want a livelier, more banter-y audience.  I would have been willing to oblige, but we were really too far back to be audible.  So instead he mocked a guy who hissed at mention of Al Gore, and told us stories about the seventeen-year-itch, and indicated that like all parents he sometimes has trouble getting his kids to take him seriously when they need to. Which ... I think I'd have trouble taking him seriously as "Dad", too.  It's kind of like having a slightly dazed Davy Jones for your Dad, I imagine.  (Or that skinny stoner kid from high school.)

Today I slept very late, even for me, and didn't do much.  Stupid headache.  But as I was prepping dinner, I was bemused to discover that according to CNN, apparently Hugo Chavez is now a "strongman".  Um. A democratically elected strongman?  Um-hum.  And, does that mean we're going to be bestest friends with him now? (See:  Hussein, Saddam.  Also: Noriega, Manuel.  Also: Pinochet, Augusto.)

Or does that mean that he's on the verge of promotion to the Axis Of Evil, and plans are afoot to subvert and/or depose him?  It's really hard to keep track of these things.

I do hate when the media allow themselves to be used as propaganda disseminators, without even questioning the bias (not to mention oxymoronicity) of what they're reading off le teleprompteur.

Oh oh oh!  And speaking of media, I found the most wonderful collection of learning tools ever!  Or at least, that I've discovered available to the non-matriculated student who is nonetheless a lifelong learner in the arts and sciences. So - just imagine this - I splurged.

I'm taking 4 courses this "semester", as soon as my CDs and DVDs get here!  *dances*

Jewish Intellectual History: 16th to 20th Century
Story of Human Language
Historical Jesus
Argumentation:The Study of Effective Reasoning

I hope they're as good as I think they could be, even without the classroom-discussion component.  And if they are, I'll order the calculus and physics courses next time.

But now, because I am rather dead, I'm going to bed.  Even though I've only been up for @9 hours, I feel like I've been pulling all-nighters for a week.  Damned dusty house.  :P

gatineau, craig cardiff, glen phillips, music, great courses dot com, world cafe live, politics, propaganda, wakefield, chad

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