Britton Hill is the highest point in Florida and the lowest highpoint of any U.S. state.

Jan 11, 2007 22:46

Extremely rhetorical question: 
Why is the mainland US minus Alaska considered the "lower 48" when Hawai'i is further south than Florida?

In unrelated matters, eBay is a dangerous dangerous thing when combined with B(randy)&B(enedictine).

Which, I should note, is stronger than plain 'n' simple Asbach-Uralt.  Which is precisely why I chose it, after the mystery Porto failed to deliver the desired numbness.

My upper braces, you see, were tightened as tight as can be this morning, with the highest-gauge wire short of "rectangular".


This a mere 2 months after acquiring "training braces".  Apparently my upper jaw is all about the rapid tooth alignment.   In fact, I suspect I'll be shedding the upper braces in favor of a retainer long before the lower jaw is aligned.  The orthodontist thinks the alleged "rectangular wire" may be an unnecessary increase in tension, given the upper teeth's propensity to shift with a medium-grade wire (and thus its exceedingly rapid "graduation" to Very!Big!Wire.)

But the short-term consequence is, tonight I am in a world of jaw-tightness discomfort, which a full day of ibuprofen PLUS the port didn't do much for.  Hence, the B&B.

I just thank my lucky stars that this time I'm of legal drinking age, and not, say, 9yearsold.  Which I was last time, and which could explain a lot of that misery and emotional trauma.

I also have a hell of a lot of respect for Andrew's fortitude in bearing this over the 2 years preceding my braces.  Because he did it ALL without hard liquor.   Bless him.

(He's studying for a history exam now, after writing some sort of essay or another, backed by the ominous yet heartening knowledge that both Georgetown and Harvard want interviews.  He didn't eat the first course of "dinner" - a steak - until 10:30 - and this is not a karate night.  He promised me he'd cook some peas "later", and I just hope so, because he noshed through last night instead of having a proper multi-substance "dinner".)

I just told him that this was probably the midpoint of the most academically-challenging half-year of his life, barring a doctoral thesis.  I think I'm right about this, but can anyone with post-grad experience concur?  Anyone?  Bueller?)

(Of possible interest only to
tenthz and
violachic:  It seems that Neopets is either down, or is screwing around with Plushie Tycoon again, so I probably can't go to bed until at least midnight, when my next PT  gametime "hour" probably expires and I can lay off my workforce just like a brutal bottom-line-oriented WalMart clone..  Essentially, it seems like they've switched to a minute-based clock instead of hours, so your factory isn't on the same time schedule as your store as your warehouse.  Feh.)

Which segue brings to mind a whole shitload of stuff that was related to my having both extremely liberal friends and extremely conservative friends, and how I largely manage to get along with all of them despite my own preconceptions/prejudices/commie-pinko-lesbo-anarchist leanings, and why I think people who can't do that and refuse to engage in dialogue with the "opposition", or who persist in putdowns instead of respect for essential humanity and goodwill, are missing out on something.  This was all spurred by reading a friendsfriends post that labelled me a "Nazi" for not supporting "freedom for all people" which boils down to "the war in Iraq".  :O   If you can possibly follow that point to point, which I can't except in the original post which reminded me unnervingly of an Ann Coulter screed.  But really,  it's all complicated, and my brain is in a not!complicated love-one-another-right-now mood, i.e it's mellow with B&B, so that little intellectual-masturbation exercise is put on hold.  And aren't you all glad of that..   =)

Disclaimer:  any typos or grammatical errors in the above are assigned entirely to the B&B, which has almost entirely neutralized the typically obsessive-compulsive tendencies of my brain.

Dammit.  I still have 20 minutes to go before my Plushie Tycoon account should be in order for the night.  I guess I should just post this and read the flist in the interim, eh?

politics, orthodontist, neopets, random. college search, andrew

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