
Dec 16, 2006 00:11

*is dead*

But all packages that are going out of state for the holidays are now in the hands of the US Post Office, or whichever shipping services Amazon and Harringtons and O&H Bakery use. Whew.

Now to decorate a tree, and finish hanging lights, and entertain the cats with crinkling tinkling sounds and long shiny tangles of toys ornamental stuff. 'Twill be a holly jolly weekend.

I've received a whole bunch of holiday cards, and I haven't even opened them all yet. But thank you to all who sent them! Mine will go in the mail sometime early next week.

Oh, and 60% of Andrew's college apps have been sent, up from zero on Wednesday, so that's a significant development. Once he files the remaining 4 by the middle of next week, I expect a full-blown case of Senioritis will make itself known. He NEEDS winter break in the worst way.

Of course, come January Steve and I will be the ones frantically filing financial-aid forms while, comparatively at least, A. will get to sit back and relax.

The medical adventure of the week was a routine orthodontist visit on Tuesday for monthly rewiring, followed by a late lunch of mac n cheese, during which I managed to dislodge the same bracket (which had just been re-applied mere hours earlier) for the third time. Okay, so let's review: it's come off with a bite of very tender Trader Joe's ham, mere hours after being put on. It was reapplied 2 days later, but came off again a day or two later in my sleep. That didn't seem like an emergency, unlike the first time when it also pulled off the bracket next to it, so I let it go until this visit. But now it's come off still again, with strictly mooshy comfort food. I'd say it's probably not what I'm eating that's the problem.

I haven't had a chance to go in and have it bonded back on again, but I'm seriously thinking that tooth needs a fully encircling old-style band and not merely a bonded-on bracket. Clearly my bite and that bracket just don't get along at all, so until either the tooth it's on or the tooth opposing it move significantly, I'm going to keep knocking it off. Either that, or I'll have to resort to an entirely liquid diet, which, um, no thanks. :P So I'll have to suggest that when I call next week to schedule another non-routine visit.

Oh, and I've read something like 20 books more than I've made any notes on in my so-called book list. They're looking very Jenga-esque all piled up on the computer case, though. Or maybe Leaning Tower-esque.

Tomorrow is another day.
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