in the big leagues now

Jun 24, 2006 12:15

Yesterday, University of Pennsylvania gave a decidedly un-fuzzy tour, although it was still friendly and welcoming and encouraging to students.  It was much more like the UDelaware tour than the Haverford tour - but ratcheted up a notch academically.   It was geared toward the young adult and highly motivated high school student, not the scared-of-elite-school, still-a-kid high school student.   The admissions office presentation for the first hour was actually warmer and fuzzier than the 2-hour tour of campus, although our tour guide was a genial sophomore business major/frat boy.   But he didn't pull any punches, or suggest that any of his tour flock might be looking for a lot of nurturing in an Ivy League school.

Thinking back on how I felt as a high school junior, I probably would have felt much more secure with the Haverford tour, but to the adult me Penn seemed more professional, more no-bullshit, but without being intimidating .  Hell, as an undergrad using their library, Penn DID intimidate me.  But my needs then, and Andrew's now, are very different.  The overall tone our guide took was pretty much "We are an academic school.  If you are admitted, that means we estimate you will be able to succeed here, and your success here will lead to opportunities that are exceptional  - but we're not going to pretend it's all going to be fun, or that people will always be there to hold your hand and kickstart you.   But that doesn't mean you'll be ignored either, if you show initiative and seek input when you need it, and participate in (small-group) recitation sessions that supplement larger lectures. You will have to be assertive, but in turn you'll get one of the best educations available anywhere. "

So that's my take on Penn.  Not sure of Andrew's - I want to let it  cook in his mind for a few days before I pick his brain about it.  I also don't want to be "all -college-tour, all the time " Mom this summer.

The later half of next week - pending scheduling verification - we're planning to visit Syracuse University and Hobart and Wiliam Smith Colleges.

In non-academic news, I get a 
folktraveler this afternoon or evening!  And before then, I have some errands to run and dustkittens to vacuum away.  And it's muggy as hell, which I hope changes before Dar's show at Concerts Under The Stars tomorrow night.  Ta.  

college search, university of pennsylvania, music, dar williams

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