Death Note

Apr 28, 2008 18:05

So, I spent quite a bit of last night watching Death Note so that I can get a head start on writing the pairing I've been meaning to for awhile. That's Raito/Ryuuzaki. The reason I had to watch these episodes is so that I can portray their personalities, their character, etc, as accurately as possible.

Unfortunately, this means I must take out Misa because she is a major obstacle for this to happen. I love her to pieces, but her character makes this thing impossible to take place. I'm sorry, Misa-Misa! DDD,: -tear-

I hope to get it mostly written (more than 10k) or finished by May 10 and edit like crazy so I can get this story submitted to the Max Challenge on

So yeah, that's the situation. Tomorrow night at 6:15 p.m. Eastern, I will be officially done with school for the summer. WHOO HOOO! So I now have plenty of free time and I once mentioned this to Alex (more like a bazillion times...) that I'm making May my month of Anime-watching marathon. And anythin' related to it... like fanfiction and fanart. I want to do some paintings so that I can put some up for Anime Iowa. I've decided on going there fo' realz, so yeah.
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