Story, characterization, whatever

Apr 16, 2008 17:30

Thanks to six, he's now my writing muse in terms of letting my imagination flow. So, without further ado, here it is. I think I like my character, not sure what to do with him yet, but yeah.

So, one day, there was a boy who was sitting at the bank of a canal, watching boats float by from one lake to the next. He very much wished he could skip stones, for the water was in the perfect condition, but he was afraid that the stones that did hit the boats would piss the drivers off. He couldn’t fathom that, because every single boat driver he had waved to, always waved back, they were all friendly.

He decided that day, that he would skip a stone and always made sure that he threw in the direction that no boat were coming. Finding a perfect flat rock, he aimed the grey object carefully, sticking his tongue out in concentration and threw it, curving his hand and flicked his wrist. The stone hit the water surface once, twice, and then it on the rock went six times before sinking into the watery abyss.

Grinning to himself, he heard someone whistling and saw that a boat driver saw him skip the stone.

“Nice job there, lad!”

His grin grew bigger and waved his hand to the captain who waved in reply.

“Thanks, sir!” he shouted back.

“What’s your name?” asked the captain, his voice easily carrying over the distance.

“I’m Jordan!”

Several years down the road, the same boy became a teenager, looking at a photograph of him skipping the first stone into the canal. Jordan knew it was daring back then, and had wondered who took the picture and sent it to him in mail. He never found out who the sender was, but the memory itself was sweet. It reminded him of the halcyon days.

Setting the picture down on his desk, he leaned back in his computer chair, stretching his back. Jordan wondered how the days have changed once he got into middle school and eventually, high school. His face pulled a grimace at --

The reason I stopped the sentence there is so that one, I don't get a writer's block and two, I can just pick up where I left off far easier than trying to figure out what the new sentence should be.

Anyway, as for the 'backstory' of why I wrote this particular 'boy' and on a canal. First, I always love to write about male protagonist, I can't get into a female protagonist, even though I am a girl myself. Then I had a sudden image of a boy sitting on the side of a canal and I wanted him to skip stones because I love skipping stones.

As for the boat drivers, in my experience, all of the boat drivers are friendly, I've never seen anyone who was driving a boat not care about anyone else. I guess it's because they are in their element and have their own boat and have a vacation every other day or so. That's why the captains are friendly to Jordan.

So, I wanted him to be 'daring,' and have him skip stones in a busy canal. As for the teenager, I don't know, I guess I wanted him to experience the angst of being a teenager. 'Course, he won't be emo, I hope. (You better not be, Jordan!) But case in point, I'm not sure where he's going at this point. What kind of problems is he having? I have no clue.


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