#005 | Notification.

Oct 11, 2006 16:40

[Private Entry: Unhackable]

Organization XII members. Are. All. Morons. These recent weeks, there was naught but one person I have seen arrive who more than likely belongs here. Is there some sort of magical portal spree going on in the outside world?

Aerith seems a nice girl, though I must personally maintain a 20-ft radius of that...that pink. It's worse than Namine and her little gothic fetish. The more recent occupants--the buffoon Sephiroth, serpent-boy's friend Wakka? If anything, the first has no respect for those who can kill him. The other...I simply could not bring myself approach that one. He seems to originate from Sora's home. Which means, of course, he's probably just as annoying.

If these dolts people continually tumble in, surely there is a way I can leave--because at this rate, taking over the castle has become a bit more...complicated than expected. It'd have been much less headache-inducing had I the proper minions.

Trusting the residents of my basement would be foolish, would it not, Diablo? Although with recent events...Anti will possibly act as I intended him to act. Oh, living without my little darling is such a burden. Wherever he fluttered off to is fine, I'm sure--as he was not with me when I came here, he must still be in the other world.

Although, to be honest. Aside from the lack of intelligence, this isn't really all that bad.

Ansem decided to follow me to the castle, apparently. I offered him a deal one would have to be a fool to refuse; which he of course, being said fool, did. Though, he probably doesn't know that Hooked on Phonics worked for everyone here. Really, at the very least you could have asked to speak to her in person, instead of Vexen.

[/Private Entry]

The basement will become void of my presence more often than usual. Not for a killing spree--though honestly, it would be extremely amusing if you all simply reappeared. I will be...researching in the library, if one wishes to avoid contact.
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