Your Social Dysfunction:
Though you are in the middle socially, you still have an extreme deficiency of self-esteem. You see in yourself only the faults, none of the positive.
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You scored as Existentialist. Existentialism emphasizes human capability. There is no greater power interfering with life and thus it is up to us to make things happen. Sometimes considered a negative and depressing world view, your optimism towards human accomplishment is immense. Mankind is condemned to be free and must accept the responsibility.
Cultural Creative
What is Your World View? (updated)created with Yay boredom.
On another note, my math discussion is in an hour. But all my damn classes are so far away. Like, a 10-minute bike ride. Or a 5-minute bus ride, but that means waiting for the bus and actually getting on the bus and getting off the bus and goddamn it that sounds like a lot of work.
I need a button. A small red one on the edge of my desk that I can't press accidentally. It will be labelled "GO." And when I press it, it will beep and I will go.
Fuck buses. Busses. Busii.
Fuck spelling words like the plural of "bus."
And while I'm at it, fuck crazed liberals who leap at me from behind and shove flyers into my hand regarding rallies to impeach Bush. Yeah, OK, I'm at Santa Barbara. If you're right-wing here (I'm not), you better be quiet about it or someone will stab you in the face. But LEAVE ME ALONE. I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN FLYER. I WILL THROW IT IN THE TRASH NOT THREE FEET IN FRONT OF YOU. THINK OF THE TREES YOU HAVE JUST MADE ME KILL.
If I wanted to go to your damn rally, I would read the flyer posted on you put on every wall you could get your scotch tape to stick to. Good thing we have a small share of flyer-tearing bastards at our school (who are polite enough to tear them down and throw them in the trash instead of on the ground!). I don't know what I would do if I saw that crap around every corner I turned.
This isn't even about Bush. This is about my wrath directed towards the people who hand me papers I don't want despite subtle body language like shaking my head and saying "no thanks."
And I'll bet they hid flyers in the fuckin bus, too.