Dec 07, 2008 14:05
Today was an interesting Sunday School. My class is small (4) and only 2 of us were there and we're between books, so we met with another class today.
The reflection for today was on prologue to the Gospel of John. And the emphasis was on the idea of "everlasting light."
However, what was really interesting was to think about the fact that we have too much light in our world today. We actually have excess light. The problem is that we need darkness.
What does Jesus being the light mean in today's world?
Do we need darkness? What is the benefit of darkness?
I don't have the answer to these questions, but these are things that I'm wondering right now as I prepare for Christmas.
I'm also wondering what I want for Christmas. I cannot really think of anything in particular that I need or want. I know that it might be too late to do this, but I"m really thinking that I what I want are gifts made to social justice concerns in my name or just homemade thoughtful gifts. I don't know that I really want to be a part of the "commercialization" of Christmas this year.