Tell It to the Trees (Fanfiction)

Jan 03, 2011 17:42

Title: Tell It to the Trees
Canon: Twilight
Characters: Jasper, Alice
Description: Timed somewhere between Twilight and Eclipse. Set in Forks, Washington. Simply Jasper and Alice in the woods, having sex.
Warnings: Explicit sex; there's no plot in this story, only a couple making use of their time together.
Note: Written specifically for niki1988 for Twilight Santa 2010.

Jasper stood in a clearing of the forest. His eyes were closed and he counted silently in his head. Reaching one, he smirked to himself.

"Ready or not, here I come," he said in quietly.

The forest bed crunched lightly under his shoes as he walked at a slow pace. He peeked between trees, playful expression in his eyes.

After only fifteen or so seconds, Alice ran up behind him and shadowed his movements. Pretending like he didn't know she was there, Jasper kept on with his search.

He stopped suddenly, then darted back and grabbed Alice by her waist. She feigned a gasp, pushing gently at his chest.

"Aren't you supposed to be hiding?"

Alice gave a small shrug.

It was then that Jasper pushed her against a tree, hard enough to shake the tree itself but not hurting either of them.

"Girls who don't play by the rules should be punished," he said, one hand reaching under her shirt and stroking her back.

"I never claimed to be good," she said, turning her head to the side defiantly.

"One of the reasons I love you," he said, leaning in to brush his lips onto hers.

At the action, Alice set her hands on his hips and moaned gently. Jasper leaned back, giving her a curious look. She smiled sweetly at him.

In a flash, Alice's legs were linked onto Jasper's hips. Her hands raked through his hair while he supported her body. They'd done this before, in the woods. It was a place where they could focus entirely on one another.

Alice jutted her pelvis onto Jasper's, grinding against him as her tongue delved into his mouth. He murmured lightly against her lips while his fingers dug into the cloth of her dress.

“It’s time for this to come off,” Jasper said with a little grunt, setting her down in one swift movement and swiftly removing her underwear. He left her dress on and grabbed onto her body to shift back into the position they were originally in.

“Is this a fantasy of yours you haven’t told me about before, Jasper? Doing a lady with her clothes on?” She rested her chin on his shoulder and purred in his ear, letting him take the lead.

Jasper chuckled, one hand shifting down to unzip his trousers and let his pants fall. Alice hissed quietly when she felt his cock brush onto her.

“I’ve had his fantasy as of late to “do” a beautiful young lady in the middle of the woods.” He slid a hand onto her throat, pulling her head to face his. When their eyes met, tiny smirk on Alice’s lips, he continued, “It’s been too long, don’t you agree?”

Alice’s bottom lip retreated into her mouth slightly as she bit down on it with a nod.

Jasper ran a hand up her waist, cupping one of her breasts. “Is that a yes, miss?”

Alice dug her fingers into his back, refraining from whimpering though feeling the sensation to. “You’ve been chasing me around these woods all afternoon with the promise of sex, Jasper. What do you think?”

With that and the snarky attitude his lover had given him, Jasper grabbed onto her hips and slid her down onto his cock. Alice did whimper now, clawing at his back, as she felt him sink deep inside her. It was her way of silently telling him that she wanted it harder and faster. He gave into her request.

They rocked into one another, foreheads pressed together as their breathing quickened.

Alice felt the spark of climax after only a couple minutes, lips pressing hard onto Jasper’s. It was the moment Jasper had been waiting for and with several, final hard thrusts; he felt wet warmth pour from the both of them.

He stayed inside of her for another minute as their passions cooled, until Alice slid herself off him. She hooked her arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly. “Whatever happened to the years when we had the time to just do that?”

Jasper grinned at her, rubbing her back and setting her down on the ground. He truly did wish for those days too.

warning: not work-safe, character: alice cullen, what: fanfiction, character: jasper hale, canon: twilight

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