It's been a while since I've posted, mostly because anything interesting that was going on, Elith posted about. It's been an interesting couple months, capped by an odd two days.
I'll put it all behind cuts just so as to not clutter up people's friend pages.
The Good:
Bought a house, took possession end of September. It doesn't feel like it's been a month, and we're nowhere near unpacked.
Had a great halloween weekend at the Dalles Ranch. I want to thank
b00jum, and especially
julrosec for help in the kitchen. Even if I did drive julrosec crazy enough she'll never cook with me again.
Finally went to see an adult cardiologist yesterday. They actually told me (not getting my hopes up or anything) that they might be able to fix the arrhythmia I've been living with for the past 25 years. I don't even know what to think, since I don't remember life without the restrictions it throws on me. They also tentatively ok'd me for caffeine, and cleared up some other questions I'd had.
The Bad:
They decided to run fifteen bazillion tests to get a baseline of my current condition to compare to. Two different tests yesterday, two more to schedule (MRI and stress test), and an event monitor I get to wear for the next month. They talked to me about one of the issues that can't be fixed. I've got a leaky valve. All they said was "leaky valves will get leakier, we'll do what we can when we can, but we have to monitor regularly because by the time you have symptoms, it will be too late. (emphasis mine)
They also decided to give me a flu shot, which wouldn't have been bad, but I'd had a bit of tickle in the throat, and now have both full-blown head cold and the general post-flu shot aches.
which leads into...
The Ugly:
Riding home from work today on Angel, my brain was pretty fogged with the head cold. I realized I needed to get gas, and had to hop over a couple lanes to do so. No big deal, right? I'll just change lanes after I go through this intersection (check left) yep, clear to the left... clear ahead except THAT SEMI THAT'S CROSSING THE INTERSECTION!! Why is he crossing against the light.? Oh shit, I have the red light. SHIIIIIT! *panic braking from far too close to intersection* I came to a stop right at the crosswalk, but was so off balance (and I'd dumped the clutch in my panic... need to practice that) that I dropped Angel. Dropped her on the right side. I always have trouble keeping her up if she tips at all to that side, so down she went. Got help from the guy in the car behind me to lift her back up. Dusted myself off, hopped on, crossed the intersection, changed my lanes, and pulled into the gas station. God I'm a dumbass.