Indispensible reading

Nov 27, 2009 15:35

If you consider yourself to be a libertarian--either left or right flavor--or a progressive, or if you just have an interest is politics or foreign policy, I highly recommend this series of essays by Arthur Silber. If, on the other hand, you are are a staunch backer of the GOP or a "serious" Democrat I can only say, move along, nothing to see here.

Part I: Iraq Is the Democrats' War, Too

Part II: Why the Stories We Tell Matter So Much

Part III: The Open Door to Worldwide Hegemony

Part IV: A "Splendid People" Set Out for Empire

Part V: A Global Empire of Bases

(Sidebar): Ah, Democracy...Ah, Peace

Part VI: Global Interventionism -- A Disastrous Policy Supported by Indefensible Ideas

Part VII: The Mythology of the "Good Guy" American

Part VIII: Unwelcome History -- Religion, the Progressives, Empire and the Drug War

republicans, foreign policy, arthur silber, libertarians, democrats, progressives, politics, war

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