For Future Reference

Apr 25, 2009 17:48

In Firefox, when clicking on a URL link with “telnet://“, firefox browser would pop up an error message “Firefox doesn’t know how to open this address, because the protocol (telnet) isn’t associated with any program.“. It is due to the browser have not register a helper application to run the URL link with “telnet://“. Below are some simple steps to prepare firefox in Ubuntu using xterm to open the URL :

1. Create a bash script name ~/bin/foxtelnet, with the following commands :

xterm -e telnet ${1##telnet://}

2. Make the bash script executable by running “chmod 700 ~/bin/foxtelnet”
I used 777

4. In firefox, type “about:config” in the URL bar.

5. Right click any where on the page and choose “New” -> “String”.

6. Paste the value “” as the “preference name” and empty as the new value.

7. Quit & start back firefox browser.

8. Click on the URL with “telnet://” and it should prompt what application to run with the protocol “telnet;//“.

9. Browse to the bash script we created in step 1.
NOTE: 8 and 9 did not happen for me, I had to go to edit/preference/applications/telnet and then browse for the script

Voilla !!!

geek, ubuntu

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